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Minister tells immigrant to go home.

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Of course it doesn't. Home grown terrorists aren't immigrants. Terrorism and immigration aren't synonymous.




Which groups? Which crimes?





Hardly relevant.




What do you mean? Please read the report and give more detail.


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 23:09 ----------



You conveniently ignore the main point, i.e. that migrants to this country contribute more than they take out.


What planet do you live on? I bet you enjoy this forum because out in the real world your opinions are deluded.

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Probably much less than what the two wars have cost the nation?


I've not looked forward to paying for those out of my taxes :|


Nor me but i had no say in it.Had i had they wouldnt have happened but i wasnt one in a position to profit from the oil.


with that said 5 appeals is costly and unessercary and the guy should have been on the first boat after the first appeal failed.Its what happens eleswhere and plenty good enough.

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No,immigrants working for years before they put down roots have contributed to the UK government finances by deductions from their wages,how can that be making the nation poorer,as has been noted,EU migrants are net contributors in the surveys carried out.If immigrants are claiming benefits that they are fully entitled too when they put roots down,then everybody in the UK who is claiming those same benefits is 'making the nation poorer',not just immigrants.


Only about 1/5th of the population ultimately pay more into the system than they get out and effectively subsidise the lowest 3/5th of earners.


Whislt low earning immigrants are no more a drain on the national wealth than their indigenous counterpart, they are nonetheless a drain i.e. make us poorer. Get it?


Then force the unemployed UK youth to take the jobs then,and also,force the UK business that are employing immigrants to take the UK youth instead,regardless of how qualified/suitable/reliable/hard working they are.If you are a business and faced with a UK person who is not suitable for your business,and an immigrant who is,how are you going to force the business to take someone who is less suitable or able to do the job,and therefore affect customer service and ultimately profit............business is calling the shots here,on wages,who they employ and who they want to employ.......governments, and stopping immigrants being allegedly the cause of indirect costs to the UK taxpayer don't come into it.


I would tend to agree that most A8 immigrant I encounter working in the service industry seem to be far more professional and hard working than our own youth. But that is another issue again.


The fact remains that if you have one job filled by someone from this country and no immigrant then the burden to the State is less than one job filled by an immigrant and one person unemployed. That should be part of the equation when calculating the financial impact of immigration policy... but it isn't because it doesn't make the figures look good.

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Because it makes the nation poorer?


Maybe you could explain how centuries of immigration to the USA has made the USA poorer than it would have been without immigration.


The world's largest economy was built on immigration but some deluded fools always choose to miss that point.

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Maybe you could explain how centuries of immigration to the USA has made the USA poorer than it would have been without immigration.


The world's largest economy was built on immigration but some deluded fools always choose to miss that point.


Genuine question LM.. was there a welfare state in 19th century USA or was it "work or go hungry"?

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The world's largest economy was built on immigration but some deluded fools always choose to miss that point.


Folk emigrated to the USA in centuries gone by to work and try to make money.


Folk emigrate to the present-day UK to grow fat off benefits.

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The Albanians are on the march next... we have to get out of the EU.




FRESH concerns about mass immigration from eastern Europe were raised last night when Brussels gave Albania the go-ahead to apply to join the EU.



You seriously think leaving the EU would stop people coming here?

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The Albanians are on the march next... we have to get out of the EU.




FRESH concerns about mass immigration from eastern Europe were raised last night when Brussels gave Albania the go-ahead to apply to join the EU.



Albanians... I've heard of them! An episode of the Simpsons, I think it was :nod:

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Only about 1/5th of the population ultimately pay more into the system than they get out and effectively subsidise the lowest 3/5th of earners.


Whislt low earning immigrants are no more a drain on the national wealth than their indigenous counterpart, they are nonetheless a drain i.e. make us poorer. Get it?





Not really,because you are just talking about monetary value here,the immigrants,most of who come here to work,or have been asked here to work,like the NHS raid on Spain and Portugal last week,will have given years of public service to UK institutions like the NHS,when suitable staff born and bred in the UK have been impossible to find.........or why would they have gone abroad to get them?........you don't just say that these people have suddenly become 'a drain' if years later they quite legitimately claim some child benefit or something after years of public service and paying into the system.If you think that these people are a drain,then all the OAP's under the care of the NHS are a drain too.......UK OAP's........what's your answer,euthanisation for everyone once they start to be 'a drain'?

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Not really,because you are just talking about monetary value here,the immigrants,most of who come here to work,or have been asked here to work,like the NHS raid on Spain and Portugal last week,will have given years of public service to UK institutions like the NHS,when suitable staff born and bred in the UK have been impossible to find.........or why would they have gone abroad to get them?........you don't just say that these people have suddenly become 'a drain' if years later they quite legitimately claim some child benefit or something after years of public service and paying into the system.If you think that these people are a drain,then all the OAP's under the care of the NHS are a drain too.......UK OAP's........what's your answer,euthanisation for everyone once they start to be 'a drain'?


I'm saying bringing in low paid immigrants is a false economy. We need to deal with the issues you point out instead of bringing in short-term solutions with long-term consequences.


We have a duty of care to our OAP's but we do not for would-be immigrants. If we want to turn them away because they will be a financial drain then we can... they aren't our responsibility.


---------- Post added 17-10-2013 at 15:06 ----------


Maybe you could explain how centuries of immigration to the USA has made the USA poorer than it would have been without immigration.


The world's largest economy was built on immigration but some deluded fools always choose to miss that point.


It is because times have changed. There was no welfare system,benefits, free health care, free legal services etc, etc. The immigrants stood on their own two feet or fell. No drain on society when they failed and contribution when they succeeded. Simple enough?


Perhaps you want to think a little before hurling insults... it makes you look like a fool.

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