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Minister tells immigrant to go home.

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Why are you so against this, I can't really understand.


Not 'against' it. Simply pointing out that Iraq is not 'safe' as you maintained in your earlier post.


To be honest, I have no idea as to whether or not this particular man should be allowed to remain.

I do not know the full facts & I suspect neither does anyone else on this thread.


What I do know is that I would not trust the governments views without actually being in possession of the evidence myself.


This is after all the government that felt it unnecessary to offer asylum to men who had acted as interpreters for the the British army & who were in obvious danger.

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This is after all the government that felt it unnecessary to offer asylum to men who had acted as interpreters for the the British army & who were in obvious danger.


To be fair he has also had five asylum appeals turned down by the courts...so it's not just the government saying it..

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And of course the right wingers would never stoop so low :roll:


What from the lofty heights of the moral high ground... I find the left generally more dishonest. The right may be more outspoken and appear less caring, but the left lie about a lot of things to suit their arguments...


The left tell major porkies, all the time.

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To be fair he has also had five asylum appeals turned down by the courts...so it's not just the government saying it..


Fair enough, as I said I don't know the details of this particular case & perhaps he should be ordered to leave.


In general I feel that people who wish to live here in order to work & improve their lives should be allowed to remain, as they will be a benefit to the country. Additionally, anyone in genuine fear for their lives, particularly where we have been involved in causing the situation, should also remain.


Other than that however, I feel we have every right to exclude benefit scroungers & criminals as we have enough of our own in those categories.


Sorting out the wheat from the chaff is the problem.

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I see idiot MPs saying we must clamp down on immigration but underfund and understaff Home Office staff, then have the cheek to threaten them with investigations and legal actions if their constituent is refused leave.

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What sort of man is he? Left his family to deal with his problems and traveled 2500 miles across 2 continents to get to the soft touch UK.


He made a claim and we said no.


Try France! Bye Bye!


He's made 5 claims and all have been refused. He has no right to be here full stop. Cease all his legal aid and sling him out.

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Fair enough, as I said I don't know the details of this particular case & perhaps he should be ordered to leave.


In general I feel that people who wish to live here in order to work & improve their lives should be allowed to remain, as they will be a benefit to the country. Additionally, anyone in genuine fear for their lives, particularly where we have been involved in causing the situation, should also remain.


Other than that however, I feel we have every right to exclude benefit scroungers & criminals as we have enough of our own in those categories.


Sorting out the wheat from the chaff is the problem.


very naive. If just 1% of china's population decided to come to the UK to work and improve their lives, we would be screwed.

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very naive. If just 1% of china's population decided to come to the UK to work and improve their lives, we would be screwed.


Really? And precisely how would that work then? The sentence said 'to work & improve their lives' didn't it?


In the event of this imagined influx of orientals, there wouldn't be sufficient work to allow them to improve their lives would there?


Before nit picking it is always advisable to ensure that there is a nit to pick. :)

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Really? And precisely how would that work then? The sentence said 'to work & improve their lives' didn't it?


In the event of this imagined influx of orientals, there wouldn't be sufficient work to allow them to improve their lives would there?


Before nit picking it is always advisable to ensure that there is a nit to pick. :)


How would they know that until they got here? Or are you suggesting that they could only come once they have secured a job here..? Genuine questions..

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