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Minister tells immigrant to go home.

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How would they know that until they got here? Or are you suggesting that they could only come once they have secured a job here..? Genuine questions..


Well, first of all, countries no longer live in isolation from one another. People tend to have a rough idea as to what's going on prior to rolling up somewhere.


The thought of several million Chinese turning up & standing there scratching their heads like Stan Laurel, whilst amusing, seems unlikely. The Chinese in my experience tend to be incredibly hard working people so relax lads, it won't happen. :)


As to requiring a job before arriving, yes, either that, or evidence of sufficient funds to support themselves for an agreed period of time. An alternative could be a sponsor who accepts responsibility for them whilst they reside here.


I have cousins who live in Australia & New Zealand. They were not allowed in without proof of sufficient funds to avoid claiming off the state. They also had to obtain visas to allow them to work there.


The Australian based cousin met a Scots lass whilst over there & they had a Child together. Despite this, when their visa expired they had to leave the country.


After almost a year back home they were allowed to return to Australia but only because she is a nurse & he is a qualified tradesman & both had jobs lined up for their return. No account was taken of my small cousin Chloe who had been born in Australia.


Maybe we should consider something similar, & explain to the EU that as an island we're worried about people falling off the edge. :)

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Really? And precisely how would that work then? The sentence said 'to work & improve their lives' didn't it?


In the event of this imagined influx of orientals, there wouldn't be sufficient work to allow them to improve their lives would there?


Before nit picking it is always advisable to ensure that there is a nit to pick. :)


work out what 1% of the Chinese population is, and then try to fathom what kind of infrastructure is needed to support them form day 1. Even if they all earn the average salary (pay an average amount of tax), hospitals, schools, roads etc do not just appear over night.

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work out what 1% of the Chinese population is, and then try to fathom what kind of infrastructure is needed to support them form day 1. Even if they all earn the average salary (pay an average amount of tax), hospitals, schools, roads etc do not just appear over night.


Your not reading what I said correctly. Allowing in people who wish to work & obtain a better life for themselves obviously implies that there has to be work & housing here for them doesn't it?

Otherwise they can not do the precise thing that they have come here for, namely work & live a better life.


I used the term 'allowed to remain' with reference to people who want to work & live a better life. If that is impossible because of circumstances then they can not be allowed to remain as they no longer fulfill the criteria of being a benefit to the country do they?


I thought the statement was self evident, obviously I was wrong. :)

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Your not reading what I said correctly. Allowing in people who wish to work & obtain a better life for themselves obviously implies that there has to be work & housing here for them doesn't it?

Otherwise they can not do the precise thing that they have come here for, namely work & live a better life.


I used the term 'allowed to remain' with reference to people who want to work & live a better life. If that is impossible because of circumstances then they can not be allowed to remain as they no longer fulfill the criteria of being a benefit to the country do they?


I thought the statement was self evident, obviously I was wrong. :)


You didnt say these people can some IF there is the infrastructure to support them.


If we have a 13 million people worth of surplus in the system I would agree but we simply do not. My point is, how would the UK ever sustain this amount of people? We cant take in every person who is looking to better their life. The need to stay where they are and work on making their situation better where they are, instead of coming to the UK and benefiting on the generation on generation that has worked to make the UK what it is today.


The fact is, its easier to come to the UK and use out country as a springboard to getting a better life than in their country of origin. However its not impossible to work your way up in just about 99% of countries around the world. There are opportunities in every country.

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Indeed, after all where would you find to holster that pitchfork if they weren't here?


Troll 2 - Return of the Niave.. In cinemas soon... :hihi:


Why is it pitchforkest to want liars and con artists kicked out? Do you believe every thing some people say, or do you just believe people with dark skins? They can't lie can they? Is it genetic?

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Troll 2 - Return of the Niave.. In cinemas soon... :hihi:
I think you've misspelt that..it's 'Knave' ;)

Why is it pitchforkest to want liars and con artists kicked out? Do you believe every thing some people say, or do you just believe people with dark skins? They can't lie can they? Is it genetic?

Not at all, I just can't resist scragging over sensitive wearers of leder hosen :hihi:
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The Home Office do not have enough staff to deport people straight away anyway. It costs anywhere upwards of £6k to deport someone and you have to find a country to accept them first. It's not easy



How many policemen does it take to put someone on a plane?

I did say send him home (ie his own country)

I bet it costs a sight more than 6K to go thro' all that appealing palaver.

6k well spent.

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I think you've misspelt that..it's 'Knave' ;)

Not at all, I just can't resist scragging over sensitive wearers of leder hosen :hihi:


Mr Friday, Mr Friday... nobody would want a genuine case throwing out... But listen, shush... I'll keep my voice down so not to offend anyone... some of the people who claim asylum are liars, they make it up.


If the said person has had five appeals turned down and the judge commented that he was dishonest... come on, he's telling porkies.. Nobody can blame him for wanting a better life but unfortunately he has to go.....

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