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Minister tells immigrant to go home.

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I'll keep my voice down so not to offend anyone... some of the people who claim asylum are liars, they make it up.


If the said person has had five appeals turned down and the judge commented that he was dishonest... come on, he's telling porkies.. Nobody can blame him for wanting a better life but unfortunately he has to go.....


I know and I said so on the other thread :)

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You didnt say these people can some IF there is the infrastructure to support them.


If we have a 13 million people worth of surplus in the system I would agree but we simply do not. My point is, how would the UK ever sustain this amount of people?


I didn't need to say 'If there is infrastructure to support them' if people had bothered to read what I said & understood it.


The exact sentence was 'In general I feel that people who wish to live here in order to work & improve their lives should be allowed to remain, as they will be a benefit to the country.'






Now read that again, slowly.


There are two qualifying points in the sentence. Firstly, these people want to work & improve their lives. Secondly, as a result they will be a benefit to the country.


You are coming up with a set of circumstances whereby neither of those two things can be achieved. Under those circumstances they would not be allowed to remain as they would be a burden rather than a benefit. As the type of people I was referring to 'Want to work & improve their lives' they would have no wish to remain & would seek work elsewhere.


Your imagined set of circumstances does not in fact exist at this moment. There are jobs available, some of them highly technical & requiring qualified people to fill them & help the economy to grow. Where these jobs cannot be filled with UK citizens foreigners are required.


There are also non skilled jobs available which some of our benefit claimants consider beneath them. these jobs still need to be done & anyone doing them is benefiting the country.

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How do you think the Spanish feel having 1 million brits in their country who by the looks of things don't mix and don't speak the language other than "dos cervezas, por favor"?


Who cares what they think. So long as they keep their greasy paws off Gibralta..

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Greasy paws? Did no one tell you that crude racial stereotyping is incredibly old fashioned and stupid?


Blimey you've even managed to make greasy paws a racial slur. Well done and go to the top of the "I will find racism in everything" class.

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How do you think the Spanish feel having 1 million brits in their country who by the looks of things don't mix and don't speak the language other than "dos cervezas, por favor"?


Do these 1 million Brits claim benefits off spain?do these 1 million Brits claim free health care, without putting a penny in? should i go on?

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