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Kids out of School

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I've just returned from a weeks holiday in the Canary Islands. I was very surprised to see so many school aged children in the hotel and all around the resort.

Is it only the British who take their kids on holiday out of term time as I don't remember seeing any school aged children of other nationalities?

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You can identify nationality by simply seeing a child?


More seriously - was your hotel one with primarily English guests? That's how it often seems to work, depending on tour operator (Thomson will often have German guests under the Tui brand as well as the English guests). If the resort were primarily one used by English people then you'd only expect to see English children really.

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I wonder if German travel agents dont up their prices in the school holidays as much as UK ones do?


The different states in Germany try to stagger their summer holidays.


The earliest next summer is 7th July to 19th August and the latest is 30th July to 15th September.




However it appears that some of the states are now dropping out of this agreement. Without the cooperation of all, it will end fairly soon.

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No, the hotel was mostly German guests and listening to the languages spoken around the resort I would say the English were in the minority.


Were they UK English though?


As for half terms, they're staggered. Much of Cheshire is off next week, whereas Devon isn't, resulting in a very cheap holiday let for me!

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I wonder if German travel agents dont up their prices in the school holidays as much as UK ones do?

I have noticed that a couple of tour operators seem to be charging the same all summer. I don't know if they are averaging it out, but it,s the first time iv'e noticed it for many years.

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