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The Tipping Point Is Upon Us?

Tipping Point Reached?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Tipping Point Reached?

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I have a feeling that we are entering a new era. This new era will see the end of all the PC nonsense that pollutes this green and present land.


In my opinion the vast majority of the population have reached the Tipping Point in relation to.




PC Nonesense.

The EU.

UK Haters (please see man in cardigan)

Left Wing Apologist



No doubt there are some more.


What's you opinion?

so thats all the stuff you dont like, what about the rest of the population? :suspect:

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I'm sorry, you've lost me.


I assume from your previous discussions, this means you've had to change tack because I was asking uncomfortable questions. No problem, you carry on.


No what I'm saying is when someone says they are not happy with the levels of immigration, like me, we are accused of being racist and told we need immigration to fill the jobs that nationals won't do.


I'm just saying that many of these who won't work are immigrants, as per 50% of young black males are unemployed.


So I was just wanting clarification that you include these young men in criticism for being lazy?

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Because the country can only absorb so many and multi culturalism has failed. Grooming gangs, riots, terrorists, sharia courts, ghettos, etc etc..


Do you enjoy apocalypse movies mikeye?


Did you see this news story about 2 prolific convicted south yorkshire paedophiles, every bit as heinous as any grooming gang?




It wasn't a story that seemed to trouble any of the usual 'gobfrothers' on SF, yet it was recent and local news. Do you think it's because they weren't Muslim?


How many riots, terrorists, sharia courts have you ever encountered? Ghettos? Well it ain't just immigrants that live in those is it?

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I'm just saying that many of these who won't work are immigrants, as per 50% of young black males are unemployed.


So I was just wanting clarification that you include these young men in criticism for being lazy?


In case it's not clear, I'm not saying that everyone on benefits is lazy or work shy. However, there is a certain underclass of British citizens, which doesn't stick to any particular racial grounds (unless chav is now a race, they've been breeding enough to split off their own gene pool...), who aren't interested in being a productive member of society.


Being male or black doesn't come into it.

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I have a feeling that we are entering a new era. This new era will see the end of all the PC nonsense that pollutes this green and present land.


In my opinion the vast majority of the population have reached the Tipping Point in relation to.




PC Nonesense.

The EU.

UK Haters (please see man in cardigan)

Left Wing Apologist



No doubt there are some more.


What's you opinion?


I too get the feeling that people have had enough. Things are pointing towards immigration being a major issue at the next election.


The majority of UK public opinion has always been against high levels of immigration going as far back as the 1960s, and UK public opinion has always been ignored on the issue, but I think we are getting to the point where it can't be ignored.

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They're hard working people. That doesn't mean high levels of migrants, being net contributors themselves or not, is good for the country. If a migrant keeps a native out of a job, the person kept out of a job is a burden on the state. High numbers of migrant workers has been acknowledged to depress wages, which lowers everybody's contributions, and increases the net outflow in tax credits to workers.


Ok, so what do you think should happen to those 'hard working people' when they occasionally fall upon hard times, just like the rest of us occasionally do-do you think they should have recourse to the benefits system so they and their children don't starve or end up homeless?

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