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The Tipping Point Is Upon Us?

Tipping Point Reached?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Tipping Point Reached?

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Okay. The next two questions now:


How was it reached?

What will be the consequences of the tipping?


I really don't understand people who hide their politics. If you want to make a point, make it. Don't dress it up in some abstract hat. If you think there are too many foreigners here then spit it out so we can see. If you hate Brussels then ... spit them out too (*shrugs*).


I think that the tipping point was reached when we learned that we MAY have to allow several thousand Rumanians/Bulgarians into the country.


We seem to have no say in the running of our country, all three main parties seem determined to prolong this European experiment. I no longer recognize the country I grew up in.


Its not a matter of "hate" its a matter of identity, of national pride, I don't want to be a "European" I want a country that has an acknowledgement to its past has a reasonably clear view of its future.


I grew up in a country that had accepted immigrants from the Commonwealth I never had a problem with that, the West Indians brought music, the Indians and Pakistanis brought cuisine, brown Brits as far as I am concerned.


Ive never resented the Poles, they fought with us against the Nazis, they are welcome as far as I am concerned, but this last lot, Rumanian Gypsies or whatever they are really bother me. This added to the fact that we cannot deport terrorists has led, in my opinion to a tipping point.

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In case it's not clear, I'm not saying that everyone on benefits is lazy or work shy. However, there is a certain underclass of British citizens, which doesn't stick to any particular racial grounds (unless chav is now a race, they've been breeding enough to split off their own gene pool...), who aren't interested in being a productive member of society.


Being male or black doesn't come into it.


Okay that's fair enough. The lazy underclass who won't work is made up of all races.

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As do the foreign workers, why do you think they come here.


That's not what's under question. The question is why our local unemployed aren't jumping at the opportunity to be paid over £24/hour to pick some flowers, which is what you've said the going rate is.

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Immigration: Britons Want 'Drastic Action'


People wanting to sustain the same levels of immigration we have experienced post '97 are actually on the wrong side of public opinion.


It found more than two thirds of the British public believe the UK population is too large and want the Government to go further.


Some 67% of people questioned said the coalition's attempt to reduce net migration to 100,000 a year was not sufficient and that more should be done.


More than a quarter of those polled (27%) believe the wave of immigration Britain has experienced in the last decade has brought no positive benefit to the nation.


And more than half (52%) say they will be more likely to vote for a party that promises to "significantly" reduce the level of migration.


The poll, conducted by Sky News as part of a week-long examination of the issue of immigration, found the people most concerned about the impact of immigration are the ones least likely to have been exposed to migrants.


For example, 71% of people who live in the countryside think drastic action is needed, compared with 53% in urban areas.


And 71% of people who don't know any immigrants well support drastic action, compared with 58% who say they know immigrants well.


Even a majority of people who know migrants well, support drastic action on immigration.

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I think that the tipping point was reached when we learned that we MAY have to allow several thousand Rumanians/Bulgarians into the country.


We seem to have no say in the running of our country, all three main parties seem determined to prolong this European experiment. I no longer recognize the country I grew up in.


Social Engineering

The Nudge

Agenda 21

call it what you will manipulating the population is happening get used to it or oppose it.

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I think that the tipping point was reached when we learned that we MAY have to allow several thousand Rumanians/Bulgarians into the country.


We seem to have no say in the running of our country, all three main parties seem determined to prolong this European experiment. I no longer recognize the country I grew up in.


That would be nearly 7 years ago then,when Rumania /Bulgaria joined the EU and gained free movement of its citizens under EU law,the fact that some countries decided to put conditions on this just made it longer before EU law took its natural course.You know what to do,elect a government that takes the UK out of the EU.

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That's not what's under question. The question is why our local unemployed aren't jumping at the opportunity to be paid over £24/hour to pick some flowers, which is what you've said the going rate is.


Have you any evidence that our local unemployed are being offered £24/hour.


Its the going rate/equivalent if you are not from these shores.

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You know what to do,elect a government that takes the UK out of the EU.


Which of course, will not stop the issues with the asylum seekers and non-EU immigrants - the ones who don't come over here to do a specific job, which will push the percentage of benefit claiming immigrants through the roof.


Plus, it'll mean thousands of Brits would have to return home and quit the jobs they've been successfully doing throughout the EU, along with the expats who've been claiming benefits from other EU countries, all of whom'll be back here sponging off of us (at least until they can find work).


Hopefully companies who're employing people here won't all pack up and move to the EU at the same time, especially those who've been paying the migrant workers as little as possible, to benefit from lower costs and better access to employees, because if they did we could see an complete economic collapse in the UK.


But I'm sure you'll all be thinking about those factors when you decide to vote for a party based solely on getting out of the EU...

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