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The Tipping Point Is Upon Us?

Tipping Point Reached?  

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  1. 1. Tipping Point Reached?

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I think we have to be very careful.


Yes, we have made mistakes, and yes things are changing, but we have to make sure the changes are positive. We might be in danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


First of all we need first rate politicians who represent all the people and are properly accountable. We do not need more jobs for the boys. The old empire is still alive and well in a time warp at the top of the ruling class, and it needs to realise that its time is well and truly over. It's holding us back. Cast the net wider and we might get more capable people with at least one foot in reality.


Next we need proper education and proper jobs, we also need a change in attitude - young people need to realise that they have to work hard to get anywhere, both in school and in work. We need them to be at the top of their game to compete in world markets. We are noted for being a very creative, innovative country so let's build on that and invest in people.


To hear that we are miles behind other countries in exporting to China and other BRIC countries is a fundamental mistake that there is no excuse for.


We need confidence in the future. We have a great past, forged by the hard work and inspiration of ordinary people. We need to remember that. We did it once, we can do it again. Different, but better.

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You really aren't very good at this debating lark, are you?


Have you just come here to be rude, or are you looking for a discussion?



I'm not here to make friends. I have those in my real life.


Its a bit of a liberty anyway. The last debate I had with you, you were arguing that anyone who was born in Swindon should only be allowed to live there.:hihi:



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I think we have to be very careful.


Yes, we have made mistakes, and yes things are changing, but we have to make sure the changes are positive. We might be in danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


First of all we need first rate politicians who represent all the people and are properly accountable. We do not need more jobs for the boys. The old empire is still alive and well in a time warp at the top of the ruling class, and it needs to realise that its time is well and truly over. It's holding us back. Cast the net wider and we might get more capable people with at least one foot in reality.


Next we need proper education and proper jobs, we also need a change in attitude - young people need to realise that they have to work hard to get anywhere, both in school and in work. We need them to be at the top of their game to compete in world markets. We are noted for being a very creative, innovative country so let's build on that and invest in people.


To hear that we are miles behind other countries in exporting to China and other BRIC countries is a fundamental mistake that there is no excuse for.


We need confidence in the future. We have a great past, forged by the hard work and inspiration of ordinary people. We need to remember that. We did it once, we can do it again. Different, but better.


Anna are you on the right thread? That's far too reasonable and well put for this thread so far... Try trolling, you'll fit in more... :hihi:

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I think we have to be very careful.


Yes, we have made mistakes, and yes things are changing, but we have to make sure the changes are positive. We might be in danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


First of all we need first rate politicians who represent all the people and are properly accountable. We do not need more jobs for the boys. The old empire is still alive and well in a time warp at the top of the ruling class, and it needs to realise that its time is well and truly over. It's holding us back. Cast the net wider and we might get more capable people with at least one foot in reality.


Next we need proper education and proper jobs, we also need a change in attitude - young people need to realise that they have to work hard to get anywhere, both in school and in work. We need them to be at the top of their game to compete in world markets. We are noted for being a very creative, innovative country so let's build on that and invest in people.


To hear that we are miles behind other countries in exporting to China and other BRIC countries is a fundamental mistake that there is no excuse for.


We need confidence in the future. We have a great past, forged by the hard work and inspiration of ordinary people. We need to remember that. We did it once, we can do it again. Different, but better.


That's a pretty good post.

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No I meant a tipping point. That's why I mentioned these two words in the title.. lol I know you'll just try to waste everyones time, you always do when there's something you disagree with...


You take the ball into the corner and shield it until someone lashes out in frustration and gets sent off.


No me though...:hihi:


The only time wasting appears to be coming from you with your refusal to explain what you actually mean.

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What is, or has caused the The Tipping point?


Being ordered around by a load of out of touch, upper class, ruling numpties (both parties) who hide behind the so called banner of 'democracy' and get rich at our expense, while we are used as nothing more than cash cows.


(Is that better?)

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