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The Tipping Point Is Upon Us?

Tipping Point Reached?  

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  1. 1. Tipping Point Reached?

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No, I'm not against training or education, never have been. Quality training and education.


What I'm against is millions of pounds being wasted in order to look good to an ill-informed electorate. A crowd pleaser that's not worth the paper it's written on.


Let's create proper jobs by investing in the right things, not just yet another big stick to beat the unemployed with. They're always a handy victim to blame for all our ills aren't they? Yet the number screwing the system is tiny. Most want to work.

Small Businesses are failing largely because the banks won't lend, in spite of umpteen government soundbites. Let's put that right too.


We have to use what money is available to the best effect, not keep pouring it down the drain in order to persuade people there's a quick fix.


Banks are lending, not to everyone (not to me certainly!) but they are lending to solid, safer businesses. Nowt wrong with that and maybe it would help to relax lending a bit. Would it though?


And now jobs. What sort of jobs and businesses do you want? We've a whole load of psychology and media studies graduates if that's any good. Engineers? Not so many of them out of work, yet we still have to import them because not enough people study at university for it. A lot will move abroad where they're valued, in every sense of the word. That said we lead the way in creative industries so why shouldn't we try and get investment in that?


Lots of questions and I'm not sure government has the answers. I'm not sure government should even try and answer to be honest.

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Its when the general population puts up with things they don't really agree with, like the issues in the OP. But then they say enough is enough, we need to go in the opposite direction...


Imagine it like a pair of scales when one side slowly becomes heavier and tips when the burden becomes too great..


I don't think you speak for the general population or are accurately reflecting any kind of general feeling.

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I have a feeling that we are entering a new era. This new era will see the end of all the PC nonsense that pollutes this green and present land.


In my opinion the vast majority of the population have reached the Tipping Point in relation to.




PC Nonesense.

The EU.

UK Haters (please see man in cardigan)

Left Wing Apologist



No doubt there are some more.


What's you opinion?

It is upon us- just starting on ITV!

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Nonsense. Political correctness is about not upsetting others for the sake of it, not describing other peoples opinions as invalid. Example being it's not politically correct to call a disabled child a mong, but you're perfectly entitled to hold that as an opinion.


In a way, it's a lot like H&S - constantly being blamed as the reason people can't do things, but it almost never is.


It is not nonsense to all, just to people with the same point of view as yourself. You know that when people ridicule political correctness they are not on about the example you choose and hopefully never call anyone a mong. There are stupid examples of political correctness whereby self righteous people seek to impose their opinions and ignore the validity of other peoples arguments such as these http://listverse.com/2010/10/26/10-ridiculous-cases-of-political-correctness/ . No one mentioned upsetting others for the sake of it except for yourself.

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Oh,ok,I was just going on you saying that the political situation was 'one of the issues'.............so if this is the tipping point you have a couple of options,either vote in a leader who tips it back,like we just talked about,or get out on the streets and have a revolution,not a little riot,I mean a good old Eastern European style bring the lot down.


I'm up for a revolution.... won't be long now... :D

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One thing that is creating the tipping point is all the lies about immigration being beneficial to the country financially, is it hell as like.. In today's Sun there's a report that shows 10% of all foreigners are claiming benefit.. That's a lot of money.


Of course there should be immigration but lets have some honesty..


The 10% only includes people new here and does not include all those already here..


---------- Post added 15-10-2013 at 16:58 ----------


How can a tipping point revolve? It'd still be a tipping point, and maybe it would unbalance it and it would fall.


Oh, I'm so confused. Help me.


Unfortunately, there are some who are beyond help... sorry, please accept my condolences.. To be inflicted with tiresome, unfunny, boring itus (T.U.B.) is a terrible burden to carry...:hihi:

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I have a feeling that we are entering a new era. This new era will see the end of all the PC nonsense that pollutes this green and present land.


In my opinion the vast majority of the population have reached the Tipping Point in relation to.




PC Nonesense.

The EU.

UK Haters (please see man in cardigan)

Left Wing Apologist



No doubt there are some more.


What's you opinion?


I think you're a simple minded white nationalist without a clue.

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