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The Tipping Point Is Upon Us?

Tipping Point Reached?  

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  1. 1. Tipping Point Reached?

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One thing that is creating the tipping point is all the lies about immigration being beneficial to the country financially, is it hell as like.

An economic argument. You're moving forward.


Do you have any source for your opinion? Maybe a study that shows how harmful immigration is to our economy? I would enjoy reading that immensely.

In today's Sun there's a report that shows 10% of all foreigners are claiming benefit. That's a lot of money.

How much money?

Have these 10% of migrants worked and paid any tax to earn the benefit?

The 10% only includes people new here and does not include all those already here.

Any chance we can see this article from The Sun?

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There are stupid examples of political correctness whereby self righteous people seek to impose their opinions and ignore the validity of other peoples arguments such as these http://listverse.com/2010/10/26/10-ridiculous-cases-of-political-correctness/ .


Only a handful of those cases actually involve political correctness (Consequences of rape allegations? Distribution of GM crops? Neither of those are case of political correctness going mad), but of those that do, none seem to be about stating one opinion is more valid than another.


The closest to your description is the case of the bus driver, but unless it's politically correct to threaten to eat someone, or call them a stupid bigot, the only indication that it has anything to do with political correctness is what's written in that article.


No one mentioned upsetting others for the sake of it except for yourself.


But that is what political correctness is about. Suspending a college sports team who have been accused of gang rape is nothing to do with political correctness, and someone banning the term "Ho Ho Ho", while is a case of political correctness gone mad, is nothing to do with someone's opinion being more valid than others.

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An economic argument. You're moving forward.


Do you have any source for your opinion? Maybe a study that shows how harmful immigration is to our economy? I would enjoy reading that immensely.


How much money?

Have these 10% of migrants worked and paid any tax to earn the benefit?


Any chance we can see this article from The Sun?


I can't provide a link... you have to subscribe and I'm not giving those any of my money...


The 10% are economic migrants mainly from Europe... we have more Poles claiming benefit than any other country in the world... think its 16,000 I read it earlier though and can't get on the Sun site to check... you get the picture though...

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One thing that is creating the tipping point is all the lies about immigration being beneficial to the country financially, is it hell as like.. In today's Sun there's a report that shows 10% of all foreigners are claiming benefit.. That's a lot of money.


What benefits are they claiming? How much money does it total? Are they benefits that are being given out unfairly?


Of course there should be immigration but lets have some honesty..


That tends not to happen, as the frothing-at-the-mouth flaming-pitchfork bridgade can't get behind those numbers, so when they get released, they're either left to fall back into obscurity, or claimed to be falsified numbers which don't reflect the real situation.


The 10% only includes people new here and does not include all those already here..


So in other words, 90% of new immigrants come to the UK and go straight into work and don't cost us a penny?

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What benefits are they claiming? How much money does it total? Are they benefits that are being given out unfairly?




That tends not to happen, as the frothing-at-the-mouth flaming-pitchfork bridgade can't get behind those numbers, so when they get released, they're either left to fall back into obscurity, or claimed to be falsified numbers which don't reflect the real situation.




So in other words, 90% of new immigrants come to the UK and go straight into work and don't cost us a penny?


Yes that's the picture... I mentioned financial beneficial.. because if 10% are claiming benefit and 90% pay tax there won't be a lot of profit for the country when you take into account the cost on public services etc...


Have a look around Page Hall and see what all the gob frothing is about...

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Sorry dosxuk but it seems we have totally opposing views on this and I don't think either of us is likely to back down so I'm going to leave it before the discussion degenerates, especially as we have got off topic anyway. All the best :thumbsup:

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