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Why does mental health get blamed for so many thing??

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Couple of months ago my GF attended the hospital to see if she could gather any forensic evidence from a dead guy who had been stabbed in the neck.


He was merely making his way home with his wife on the bus,when some guy decided to plunge a knife right through his neck. His life snuffed out in a few minutes,and horrifically witnessed by his partner.


The murderer was caught a few days after,and "yes" he had mental health issues and was known to the authorities.


So various other crimes may be commited by people with mental health issues.

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That is awful and cant imagine being a witness to something like that. I understand where your coming from with that as mental health can be the cause but the point i was trying to get across is that its not all the time


But as you say the idiots vandalising the buses may just be as you say "idiots"


I threw things at cars,buses,people etc: when I were younger.But,i didn't have MH issues..I was just being an arsehole..

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Couple of months ago my GF attended the hospital to see if she could gather any forensic evidence from a dead guy who had been stabbed in the neck.


He was merely making his way home with his wife on the bus,when some guy decided to plunge a knife right through his neck. His life snuffed out in a few minutes,and horrifically witnessed by his partner.


The murderer was caught a few days after,and "yes" he had mental health issues and was known to the authorities.


So various other crimes may be commited by people with mental health issues.


Of cause he had mental health issues, normal people don't stab people in the neck for no reason!

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Can I ask for a definition of "mental health"?

Seems to me a mentally healthy person would not:

Randomly attack people;

Purposelessly damage property;

Behave in a way that shocks others;

Threaten people and put them in fear;

Show cruelty to people and animals;

Run off with things that belong to others.


So most of the spectrum of criminal behaviour is made up of things that mentally healthy people wouldn't do.

So all criminal behaviour results from defects in mental health.


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