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Why does mental health get blamed for so many thing??

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Can I ask for a definition of "mental health"?

Seems to me a mentally healthy person would not:

Randomly attack people;

Purposelessly damage property;

Behave in a way that shocks others;

Threaten people and put them in fear;

Run off with things that belong to others.


So most of the spectrum of criminal behaviour is made up of things that mentally healthy people wouldn't do.

So all criminal behaviour results from defects in mental health.



everyone in the world more or less then

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Is it just me or are other people fed up of mental health being the main blame for idiotic acts of vandalism and various other crimes????? Last i knew these said acts was just a result of plain stupidity :confused:


I think some posts have similar antecedents.If you listen to today's news, it highlights a shortage of resources for mental health treatment.How would you rate your MH -mine is quite fragile?

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Can I ask for a definition of "mental health"?

Seems to me a mentally healthy person would not:

Randomly attack people;

Purposelessly damage property;

Behave in a way that shocks others;

Threaten people and put them in fear;

Show cruelty to people and animals;

Run off with things that belong to others.


So most of the spectrum of criminal behaviour is made up of things that mentally healthy people wouldn't do.

So all criminal behaviour results from defects in mental health.



You beat me to it ... I was going to ask the very same question.

Although, as well as any criminal behaviour (which takes the limelight, so to speak), I'd say that mental health issues encompass a lot of other things that many take for granted. So much so in fact, that I think everyone has a mental health issue of one form or another ... fear of flying, an irrational fear of butterflies, spiders etc, insignificant stuff. How many people have seen their GP due to depression? How many receive counselling of one form or another ... wether it be from a professional or just a friend?

Why is CBT so popular nowadays ... people have mental health issues.


Where do you draw the line? What exactly is 'normality', and who set the rules? I think we're designed to think and do irrrational stuff, it's part of our composition as humans.


In fact, I'd go so far as to say that if everyone was 'completely normal', it'd be a very boring world we live in. Of course, this doesn't make excuses for more serious mental health issues. Normality I think, provides for what is seen as 'acceptable', but a very fuzzy delineation to what isn't.


Some things that were acceptable many years ago aren't anymore, so there's a social interraction too. Different countries have different views as to what's acceptable ... anyone stoning a woman to death for allowing someone to rape her in Britain would get locked up for instance. Quite acceptable in other countries. This to me shows serious mental health issues to those who made the law.

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Pharmaceutical companies have a lot to answer for and make billions by pressurising doctors/psychiatrists to catagories normal human traits (crying,mourning,unruly behaviour etc) as mental health conditions.

Take a look at "The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders" (DSM) The psychiatrists bible.

Some of the things listed are unbelievable.

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Is it just me or are other people fed up of mental health being the main blame for idiotic acts of vandalism and various other crimes????? Last i knew these said acts was just a result of plain stupidity :confused:


Whenever I see chav adults having slanging matches in the street, having very short fuses and being stroppy and surly with shop staff etc, without being facetious I do wonder about the mental age of these "people".


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 11:35 ----------


everyone in the world more or less then


You randomly attack people and steal other peoples property etc, do you??

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Some things that were acceptable many years ago aren't anymore, so there's a social interraction too. Different countries have different views as to what's acceptable ... anyone stoning a woman to death for allowing someone to rape her in Britain would get locked up for instance. Quite acceptable in other countries. This to me shows serious mental health issues to those who made the law.


1/. Since the stoning is associated with certain races, would locking them up be racist?


2/. The law on this subject is given by "God" (see the Old Testament, say "Leviticus"). So does "God" have serious mental health issues?


To be serious, I feel that care for those we used to regard as "mentally ill" has been very badly neglected.

I knew Middlewood Hospital years ago, and we had a family member who lived there. I do not think she would have been better off under a policy of "(Lack of care) in the community". I have seen the son of a close friend allowed to experience his schizophrenia "in the community" until his suicide, and I felt at the time that he would have done better in the old Middlewood.

But that just shows what an insensitive character I am, out of touch with modern concepts!

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Is it just me or are other people fed up of mental health being the main blame for idiotic acts of vandalism and various other crimes????? Last i knew these said acts was just a result of plain stupidity :confused:


I'm not aware that it is. Do you mean mental illness? I'm not sure that anyone actually is saying that mentally ill people are responsible for vandalism.

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People who are responsible for acts of vandalism are mentally allowing themselves to do it. People who collect things or who become involved with children have a mental characteristic that causes the behaviour.


But, when it starts affecting your well being or affecting others in a negative way . . . . . . . . . . . is that when it becomes a certifiable mental condition?

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