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Why does mental health get blamed for so many thing??

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Is it just me or are other people fed up of mental health being the main blame for idiotic acts of vandalism and various other crimes????? Last i knew these said acts was just a result of plain stupidity :confused:


90% of people in jail have a personality disorder. "idiotic acts of vandalism" is from antisocial personality disorder.



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I watched a documentary last night following an ambulance with most of the cases classified as mental health issues. The crew said they weren't trained for such incidents like being first on the scene at a high car park suicide attempt.


Can't blame Joe public for not knowing about things they can't see, or can you? Ignorance is no excuse for anything these days but the people on the program couldn't access the services they needed. They were turned out of hospital only to be back in a few days.


Mental health is a hard issue but something that everyone needs to be involved with, now!

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