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Spain wants to tax solar energy

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We are getting a media campaign in Australia about how much the solar electricity homes are costing the ref the community, because they don't pay big electric bills, and so the company has to charge the other users more, because of their fixed costs. So I expect we'll be seeing a "solar tax" soon.

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We are getting a media campaign in Australia about how much the solar electricity homes are costing the ref the community, because they don't pay big electric bills, and so the company has to charge the other users more, because of their fixed costs. So I expect we'll be seeing a "solar tax" soon.


I suppose the issue could be that the people who generate all their power via solar will still be connected to the grid for backup purposes. .if they aren't buying their power from the grid then they won't be contributing to it's upkeep...maybe they should be billed a "standing charge" for the convenience of just being able to switch over to the grid should their equipment (or the sun) fail..? Just thinking out loud really.. :)

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Gunna be tough to enforce tho won't it?


Say you have solar now on a feed-in tariff, you switch to a normal tariff and tell them you've taken the panels down.

The energy company will have to send out someone to check every rooftop, and check those panels are connected to the house electrics??


What if you get solar panels fitted, but don't tell the energy company - will they have to send people round every couple of months to check people haven't fitted panels??

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Gunna be tough to enforce tho won't it?


Say you have solar now on a feed-in tariff, you switch to a normal tariff and tell them you've taken the panels down.

The energy company will have to send out someone to check every rooftop, and check those panels are connected to the house electrics??


What if you get solar panels fitted, but don't tell the energy company - will they have to send people round every couple of months to check people haven't fitted panels??


I'm not sure what you mean? Could you clarify for me..

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