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Spain wants to tax solar energy

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Maybe they are broke because people try and avoid tax, just like Greece

Maybe the government should either get people to pay tax, or not spend money that people haven't paid. There's no point spending money their haven't got but doing nothing to try and collect it other than emit disapproving noises.

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Maybe they are broke because people try and avoid tax, just like Greece


Why is Greece in trouble?


Greece was living beyond its means even before it joined the euro. After it adopted the single currency, public spending soared.


Public sector wages, for example, rose 50% between 1999 and 2007 - far faster than in most other eurozone countries. The government also ran up big debts paying for the 2004 Athens Olympics.


And while money flowed out of the government's coffers, its income was hit by widespread tax evasion. So, after years of overspending, its budget deficit - the difference between spending and income - spiralled out of control.


LINK [bBC News, 27 November 2012]


"public spending soared".


That's the bit that some on here seem to stumble over.

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LINK [bBC News, 27 November 2012]


"public spending soared".


That's the bit that some on here seem to stumble over.


Greece is in trouble because they pay little tax end of. The Greek in Cafe Athens, Athens said he paid 2% instead of 15-17%, I think, which is what he should be paying. That's from the horse's mouth and not from some public opinion story spouted in the British media

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Ask the reatilers/distributers/installers for lists of their customers? (same way TV's are sold here) Ask power companies for addresses where bills are well below the average? Even easier if planning permission is needed in Spain for their installation?


But i still don't pay for my license.


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 11:48 ----------


I bought a tv in-shop when i lived in Belfast back in 2005. The assistant wouldn't release the purchase until i gave my address etc: I asked why and he said that the tv license vans that detect non-payers won't go round the streets because they get burnt out....

I guess that figures. .


They don't exist and never have.


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 11:56 ----------


Do they take your details if you order over the internet as well?


No they don't.It is only to pass onto TV license peeps.

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The vast majory of our tax revenue comes from income tax, national insurance, corporation tax and VAT.


It's not classed as tax revenue, it's just extra on your bills to pay the subsidised feed in tariff for solar panels, the increased costs of using wind turbines, etc.


You know how your electric bill has gone up for the last 10 or 15 years?


Solar power is heavily subsidised in this country, people with solar panels get a subsidy payout at the expense of those without.

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It's not classed as tax revenue, it's just extra on your bills to pay the subsidised feed in tariff for solar panels, the increased costs of using wind turbines, etc.


You know how your electric bill has gone up for the last 10 or 15 years?


Solar power is heavily subsidised in this country, people with solar panels get a subsidy payout at the expense of those without.


Compared to the rest of the EU, UK energy prices are not expensive. Energy bill survey data from energy.eu shows the UK has average prices in the EU for electricity.

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But i still don't pay for my license.


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 11:48 ----------



They don't exist and never have.


---------- Post added 16-10-2013 at 11:56 ----------



No they don't.It is only to pass onto TV license peeps.





Hey you're right!

Learn something new everyday...Thanks for that.

I guess it must have been the tv detector men they burnt out instead.. Haha.

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They'd still need to be sufficiently high-res to distinguish between electrical solar panels and solar water heaters.


Also explain to me how paying someone to take regularly aerial photographs of the ENTIRE COUNTRY and analyse them is remotely cost effective :loopy:


You spend hundreds of times more on enforcement than you would take in through fines.


oh an use google??

Their images are several years old, they're not going to update them often just so some poxy Spanish electric company can use it to find people with a solar setup.

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