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Spain wants to tax solar energy

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Gunna be tough to enforce tho won't it?


Say you have solar now on a feed-in tariff, you switch to a normal tariff and tell them you've taken the panels down.

The energy company will have to send out someone to check every rooftop, and check those panels are connected to the house electrics??


What if you get solar panels fitted, but don't tell the energy company - will they have to send people round every couple of months to check people haven't fitted panels??


Surely, the situation at the moment is that people with solar panels sell their electricity to the local supplier at an enhanced rate for this green power, and then buy back bog standard "dirty" electricity which is cheaper. It is in the interests of the home owner to be registered, otherwise he will not get his money.


It would need a big swing to take away the current subsidy and then add a tax before the owners would go underground (not literally, of course) and go (literally) off grid.

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Google images are several years old aren't they?

I know the ones for my parents place are like 4 or 5 years old.


Also the resolution on them isn't enough to be able to tell who has a solar PV system.


Dont forget you can also have a solar system that heats the water, you can't really tell one from the other from a Google Image.

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