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Lingards in Sheffield

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Hi Jared,


I am decended from John Lingard who (I believe) is in the same grave as Tommy's dad George. I have done a lot of research on this tree and although I can't help with George's decendants I can help you with his ancestors.


Best wishes



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Herbert Lingard born 17th December 1922 is my father, but his father, my grandfather was call Thomas..
This is interesting, and also puzzling. I've also been following this thread and I looked up the various Lingard births and marriages. The birth index entry for Herbert (Sheffield, Oct-Dec 1922, Vol. 9c Page 862) gives his mother's maiden name as Hogg. The marriages index shows only one Lingard-Hogg marriage, this being that of George Lingard and Fanny Hogg (Sheffield, Jul-Sep 1920, Vol. 9c Page 1397). Could George have been known as Thomas? Edited by Banker
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I made a mistake on Dad's birth date, it was 17th December 1921, not 1922.


Thomas was George's younger brother, (George who married Fanny Hogg), Thomas, my grandfather married Nellie (Helen?) Peat (Peet?) Thomas worked in his older brother Georges business as a scissor assembler (purratogether). Apparently George, Thomas and Herbert were common names in the family with several of each. More info' on this to come hopefully when Dad and Mark get back to me. It was this George my grandfathers older brother who lived in Garden Street by the way.

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Yes, the names/nicknames makes it difficult and the repeated use of the same name all the more so! I originally searched for Tommy as Thomas thinking that was his birth name but it is actually his proper name.


He had a brother named Jack but again I don't know if that is his real name or just another nickname. My grandmother used to correspond with one of his brothers after my grandfathers death (around 1984?) and he told her he was going in for some surgery. Then the letters stopped. :(


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 15:15 ----------


Sorry Yvonne, I am new to the forum and cannot send private messages but I would be interested in getting in touch with you.


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 15:16 ----------


@KenL60, ditto. I am interested in contacting you too.

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I made a mistake on Dad's birth date, it was 17th December 1921, not 1922...
That explains things. There is a birth entry for Herbert Lingard with the mother's name given as Peat and a marriage entry for Thomas Lingard and Ellen Peat in Jul-Sep 1909. The 1911 census finds Thomas and Nellie living at 7 ct 4 Garden Street with their baby daughter Clara.
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I am new as well. I have amended my profile so I can receive emails from other members so if you want to email me you can. I can then give you the family details back to the late 1700s. I believe George was the younger brother of my great grandmother Hariet. It looks as if George married a Mary Myers and then Fanny following Mary's death.

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Hi, YvonneOD,


Would you have a William Lingard, born c1818 in your data?? He married a Lydia Lee and had 4 children??


I don't know who his parents were and would like to get a little further...


Thank you!!

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I can't find your William in my tree. I am decended from a William who was born in Litton Dale 1771. His last child that I am aware of is Thomas who was born 3rd Nov 1818 so that seems a bit close for your William to be his brother. I have seen your William on the census returns from 1841 to 1881 and his buriel on the Sheffield Indexers site but I can't see a connection. Sorry I can't be of more help.



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