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Have We Created A Monster?

Where does all the hate come from  

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  1. 1. Where does all the hate come from

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In my opinion there is too much hate in the world. We need more love. In my youth I was a militant, more aligned with Communism than the right wing for which I am often labelled. This left leaning political view was due to the influence of my father.


But as the saying goes... Not a communist at 18 something wrong with your heart. Still one ay 28, something wrong with your head.


I have slowly progressed and dumped the Labour party and left wing politics as I've got older. I now consider myself to be in the middle with neither support for either "wing". I support the truth and good ideas.


The thing I've noticed over the years is how some of the traditional left have now become the most hateful. They seem to be constantly in a rage about things and have become the new haters.


They hate anyone who appears to be slightly right wing. They deride, abuse and ridicule. They hate anyone who seems to be making money and anyone who doesn't prescribe to their own "manual" of thought.


Of course the extreme right are nasty as well, but they always have been. But the old socialists were more flower power than violent outrage. They pushed flowers into the barrels of guns and not fists into faces.


This new breed lie and fabricate, they bully and abuse, they have no respect for anyone except their own kind.


The dangerous part is they think they are the good guys, they're not, they're the bad guys.


So what do you think? Are the new breed of left wing activists the most hateful. I appreciate that anyone daring to suggest such will be labelled a "Nazi" But that kind of proves my point.


Peace and love.

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But the old socialists were more flower power than violent outrage.




i know most hippies (certainly those i knew) were socialists if they had any political motivations, but very few of the socialists i knew were hippies


most of them preached and believed in revolution - and they weren't averse to achieving it by any means


maybe we just moved in different circles


maybe it's just you - when one is part of a group one is often blind to its faults - they only become clearer from the outside

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The op does have a point, I have become more 'right wing' as I have got older, I even dumped the trade union after nearly 30 years membership, but am I an extreme right, racist, misogynist, bigot ...... only on here sometimes according to the left thinking amongst us it seems :suspect:

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i know most hippies (certainly those i knew) were socialists if they had any political motivations, but very few of the socialists i knew were hippies


most of them preached and believed in revolution - and they weren't averse to achieving it by any means


maybe we just moved in different circles


maybe it's just you - when one is part of a group one is often blind to its faults - they only become clearer from the outside


Yes you do have a point. I'll accept that. Perhaps my friends were introduced to weed before yours... :D


I think you've made all that up just to bait other forummers.

I also think that you've been on this forum before under a different username, but was banned for posting hateful and inflammatory material.


Peace and Love

Mister M x


The haters are circling.


The op does have a point, I have become more 'right wing' as I have got older, I even dumped the trade union after nearly 30 years membership, but am I an extreme right, racist, misogynist, bigot ...... only on here sometimes according to the left thinking amongst us it seems :suspect:


I think its about evolution. Some people are more evolved, like you, and me.. :hihi:


Oh, I've been savaged by both the left- and the right-wingers on here many times :nod:


That's good really, it shows you have your own opinions and don't tow any party line... Credit due.

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