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Miliband would impose levy on pay day lenders.

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Ed has announced that Labour would impose a tax levy on pay day lenders. At first this sounded like a good plan until I asked myself a simple question.


If the government took £1 billion from payday lenders where would that £1 billion come from.


Ah yes. Those poor sods who need to borrow a tenner to make it through to the end of the week. Nice one Ed.

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They should be slapped with a 99 percent tax. If they can charge outrageous thousands of percent in interest - which they do -- then they should be paying similarly outrageous taxes on all of it.


I'm actually amazed the UK allows these companies even to exist. They simply don't exist in most other countries, including some of the third world countries I've lived in.

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They should be slapped with a 99 percent tax. If they can charge outrageous thousands of percent in interest - which they do -- then they should be paying similarly outrageous taxes on all of it.


I'm actually amazed the UK allows these companies even to exist. They simply don't exist in most other countries, including some of the third world countries I've lived in.


Well said Barney, I agree with you.

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I blame peoples inability budget.


No demand = no service.

I wouldn't lend half of the people who use these services any money unless i had some major recompense for the risk.

Myself included.


If you increase the VAT and other taxes on petrol doesn't the price go up?

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