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Working as a bar person


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I've been thinking about getting part-time work as a bar person.


I have no provious experience ... but I'm pretty intelligent (can count) ... I am presentable (have all my own teeth) and friendly !!


Anmy suggestions on finding bar work ... anything I should know !?


I would prefer for just do friday and / or saturday nights.

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Take your pick from the city cente bars Jamie - choose where YOU would like to work. If you genuinely want to work Fridays and Saturdays they will be so pleased to see you. Most staff find excuses not to turn up cos they would rather go out. You should be able to pretty much pick and choose.


I would go so far as to say you will have a job in an hour if you doorstep some bar managers / supervisors mid afternoon. Don't bother sending CV's or calling, just turn up looking clean with a bunch of CV'c in hand.

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I'm going to say, Jamie, you won't possibly have a problem with weekend work.


If I were you, I would go into town one afternoon - when the places are quiet - and make enquiries in some of the pubs.


I don't think you will have to visit many establishments before work is offered to you.

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I started my bar-work at The Big Tree on Chesterfield Road, Woodseats and although I had a fairly fun year there while working in college, the landlord was a complete nob and was always dropping us in the smelly soft stuff. Git!


My second bar job was in Brannigans in Blackpool and it was definately the best out of all of the bars I worked in. I was there from Jan 96 to Dec 97 and had really fun time with the staff and locals, although the tourists were a little much at times. I got asked out a fair bit though which made the job much more worthwhile. ;) It was much easier to talk to the ladies from that position because you already have a reason to talk to them as they are there to buy drinks off you. :thumbsup:


I'm a fairly quiet, reserved person until you get to know me but when I was behind the bar I became very smiley, cheeky and confident and it was great to just come out of myself for a few hours and have a laugh while working.


Of course you get your bad nights when you're knackered or when a customer or group of customers decide to wreck your night by being awkward and/or abusive but you get the equivalent of that in any job. I found that the bar-work was a good social life and made things a little more interesting.


If that's what you're looking for then I'd say just go for it and see how you like it. It can be lots of fun.

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Originally posted by Bookey

Try hotels as most functions are either Friday or Saturday night. :)

I don't know about how most hotels work, but based on my experience this is a really stupid idea. I worked for a hotel during the summer and because it's a resident's bar it can be open 24 hours a day. Needless to say, there were many late nights. Sometimes I would work 12 hour shifts or over, finishing as late as 5:30am.

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Good thing about bars is that they usually close at a set time so you know when you're going home.


Hotels can be a real pain because sometimes the bar stays open as long as there's people drinking in it. As Sidla (and another friend of mine) has experienced, this can leave you on the bar literally all night long. NIGHTMARE!!!

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Originally posted by Sidla

I don't know about how most hotels work, but based on my experience this is a really stupid idea. I worked for a hotel during the summer and because it's a resident's bar it can be open 24 hours a day. Needless to say, there were many late nights. Sometimes I would work 12 hour shifts or over, finishing as late as 5:30am.


I myself worked in a hotel bar and never finished later than 3am on the residents bar. But diff hotels have mixture of rules, etc...

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