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Could "God" pass the Elijah test?

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A "Bible Story" caught my eye. The reteller described, for a children's audience, how Elijah proved that Queen Jezebel's Baal was a false god, and how his "God" was real and powerful. ( See 1 Kings, chap. 18 ).


Elijah challenged the priests of Baal to get Baal to set alight a pile of logs.

This Baal could not do, however his priests entreated.

Then Elijah, having soaked the pile in water, called on his "God", who promptly sent down fire to set the wood ablaze.


This proved Elijah's "God" to be powerful, and Baal tobe powerless. The Baal priests were slaughtered.


But ...... if we set up the test today, what result would we see?

If the Judeo/Christian "God" fails to set the wood on fire, does it mean "he" is powerless?


Think how it might settle the evolution/creation debate: "God, if yo did perform seven days of creation, light this fire! and all the evolutionists will repent their errors and return to your true worship"

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A "Bible Story" caught my eye. The reteller described, for a children's audience, how Elijah proved that Queen Jezebel's Baal was a false god, and how his "God" was real and powerful. ( See 1 Kings, chap. 18 ).


Elijah challenged the priests of Baal to get Baal to set alight a pile of logs.

This Baal could not do, however his priests entreated.

Then Elijah, having soaked the pile in water, called on his "God", who promptly sent down fire to set the wood ablaze.


This proved Elijah's "God" to be powerful, and Baal tobe powerless. The Baal priests were slaughtered.


But ...... if we set up the test today, what result would we see?

If the Judeo/Christian "God" fails to set the wood on fire, does it mean "he" is powerless?


Think how it might settle the evolution/creation debate: "God, if yo did perform seven days of creation, light this fire! and all the evolutionists will repent their errors and return to your true worship"


wouldn't it depend on who asked God?


he doesn't respond to everyone

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I've just asked him. He said no, light 'em yourself, I only hell those who help themselves.




should that read "I only hell those who hell themselves"?


---------- Post added 17-10-2013 at 23:19 ----------


wouldn't it depend on who asked God?


he doesn't respond to everyone


Even better!

The Pope, the Agger-Bagger, the Grand Mufti, the Dalai Lama, the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, and the Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church could try it.

Also assorted mullahs and sheiks.


That should sort out who's telling the truth!


Of course, as they all know "He" won't oblige anyway, none of them dare ask.

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A "Bible Story" caught my eye. The reteller described, for a children's audience, how Elijah proved that Queen Jezebel's Baal was a false god, and how his "God" was real and powerful. ( See 1 Kings, chap. 18 ).


Elijah challenged the priests of Baal to get Baal to set alight a pile of logs.

This Baal could not do, however his priests entreated.

Then Elijah, having soaked the pile in water, called on his "God", who promptly sent down fire to set the wood ablaze.


This proved Elijah's "God" to be powerful, and Baal tobe powerless. The Baal priests were slaughtered.


But ...... if we set up the test today, what result would we see?

If the Judeo/Christian "God" fails to set the wood on fire, does it mean "he" is powerless?


Think how it might settle the evolution/creation debate: "God, if yo did perform seven days of creation, light this fire! and all the evolutionists will repent their errors and return to your true worship"

Could "God" pass the Elijah test? Of course he could!


---------- Post added 17-10-2013 at 14:38 ----------


The scriptures say 'You shall not tempt The Lord thy God'.

Deut. 6:16 & Luke 4:12 & Matt. 4:7.


Elijah did though and God obliged

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God is omniscient and omnipotent, so not only can god do anything, he also knows when anyone is going to ask him to do something and what his response will be. There are no surprises for god and it's impossible for him to have a change of mind.

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So he could do it again today if tested then?


i believe that those who believe, believe that he does not feel the need to prove his existence or his abilities


if you accept he did it (at least) once before, isn't it a reasonable assumption that he could do it again?


perhaps it's like a beckham free kick - most attempts don't come off, but once every now and then he hits the target


maybe all these bush fires are god just practicing for when he is called upon again


i suppose it could have been a fluke or a co-incidence - or maybe even a made up story

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