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Could "God" pass the Elijah test?

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maybe Elijah caught God on a good day


And maybe he had a match. :D


I like the ideas of a god olympics to sort things outt but I suspect the event will not live up to the hype.


---------- Post added 18-10-2013 at 09:47 ----------


The scriptures say 'You shall not tempt The Lord thy God'.

Deut. 6:16 & Luke 4:12 & Matt. 4:7.


Yes but we aren't suggesting he borrow 40 virgins from Allah and spend 40 days and 40 nights with them in the wilderness. It's just a pile of logs.

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A strong solution (Over 20%) of hydrogen peroxide looks a lot like water and can cause wood to combust.


Not saying that's what happened and I wouldn't want to try the experiment without protective gear on, but back in Elijahs day someone pouring a strong enough mixture onto a pile of wood would certainly look like they were soaking it in water and the subsequent flames would certainly appear to be a miracle.

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i believe that those who believe, believe that he does not feel the need to prove his existence or his abilities


if you accept he did it (at least) once before, isn't it a reasonable assumption that he could do it again?


perhaps it's like a beckham free kick - most attempts don't come off, but once every now and then he hits the target


maybe all these bush fires are god just practicing for when he is called upon again


i suppose it could have been a fluke or a co-incidence - or maybe even a made up story


Does that mean Beckhams god? Or not?

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wouldn't it depend on who asked God?


he doesn't respond to everyone


How very convenient. :rolleyes:



I've just asked him. He said no, light 'em yourself, I only hell those who help themselves


Ahh, the god of the Old Testament then. :D



The scriptures say 'You shall not tempt The Lord thy God'.

Deut. 6:16 & Luke 4:12 & Matt. 4:7.


They also say:


And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. [Genesis 1:31]


And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. [Genesis 6:6]


Isn't this inconsistent? Otherwise it means that god changed his mind? Something that another poster said couldn't happen.


And if god is all-knowing, would he know that he'd be sorry he made the earth in advance and thus not bother?



Elijah did though and God obliged



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Proof of what?

My post was about a story in a book, just like the post I was responding to


---------- Post added 18-10-2013 at 19:41 ----------


Pretty convenient, but that renders the parable in his book false doesn't it?



No, no, no, no, NO!


Don't you know that it's all down to interpretation? You have to interpret it in perspective, much of the bible isn't meant to be taken literally, except when it is. Not only that, you have to ignore some parts and apply common sense, much of what was written back then doesn't apply now, obviously! We have to move with the times, you can still learn good lessons from them if you interpret them metaphorically though.


Apart from the gays. Anything about the gays is definitely meant to be taken as the word of God, even if the Bible doesn't claim it is. Even if it turns out the Bible doesn't actually say much bad about the gays, it still metaphorically means that gays are bad.

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A strong solution (Over 20%) of hydrogen peroxide looks a lot like water and can cause wood to combust.


Not saying that's what happened and I wouldn't want to try the experiment without protective gear on, but back in Elijahs day someone pouring a strong enough mixture onto a pile of wood would certainly look like they were soaking it in water and the subsequent flames would certainly appear to be a miracle.



Have you tried making high-test H2O2?

We tried, for rocketry experiments, in 1958.

Had uni. science students and a B.Sc. on the team.

Got a very poor yield, though with home made equipment.

Elijah used several barrels.

To make that much was pretty much a miracle in itself!


---------- Post added 20-10-2013 at 21:50 ----------


i believe that those who believe, believe that he does not feel the need to prove his existence or his abilities


if you accept he did it (at least) once before, isn't it a reasonable assumption that he could do it again?


60 years ago I rode a bicycle from London to Sheffield in 14 hours. I love the idea that having done it once, I could do it again!


Those who believe, believe. The "holy book" says it happened.

That's faith, or religion.

Those that have seen something done, expect it to be done again, and if it can't be repeated, doubt. That's science.


Hilqire Belloc, in "the Microbe" says:

"Let us never, never doubt

"What nobody is sure about!"




(Yes, I know it's against blind belief in what "scientists, who ought to know" tell us)

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60 years ago I rode a bicycle from London to Sheffield in 14 hours. I love the idea that having done it once, I could do it again!


Those who believe, believe. The "holy book" says it happened.

Actually, it's what one of the "holy books" says happened

That's faith, or religion.

Those that have seen something done, expect it to be done again, and if it can't be repeated, doubt. That's science.


Hilqire Belloc, in "the Microbe" says:

"Let us never, never doubt

"What nobody is sure about!"

...which is a little silly really, if there is something that "nobody is sure about" then by definition, it is doubted




-a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction

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...which is a little silly really, if there is something that "nobody is sure about" then by definition, it is doubted


Yes, Hillaire Belloc used irony a lot!

In this poem, he's puncturing the overconfidence of some "believers" in "science".


Of course, true scientists look at what is well known, and prod it around to see if they can show it isn't so.

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