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Does anyone suffer from arachnophobia?


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Hi. is there anyone out there who suffers from arachnophobia? I am quite literally terrified and it makes life hellish. I go hot and cold, get the shakes and feel sick and so frightened I sometimes am reduced to tears. Even after my husband has removed the devil creature I am still scared and it can take a long time for the feeling of panic to subside. It can literally take me hours to fall asleep and in the meantime I feel as if things are crawling over me. If something brushes on me I jump out of my skin and pull of clothing to check it. I dream about them and this wakes me up with a feeling that a spider is crawling on me. I check my bed, under the duvet and pillows every night, also my pyjamas. The walls and corners of the room are checked also the ceiling before I can close my eyes and try to sleep. I check my clothes and coats etc before dressing. I hoover thoroughly every day and do everything possible to keep spiders away from me. Does anyone else suffer from arachnophobia?

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It sounds quite exciting to me, and assume the next rung up the ladder in frightening oneself silly, is being scared of ones own shadow. Who like to have things following one

being stalked by dark forces.


Living in a world of self created fears, where like a sexual climax one is unable to control the sensation, what a turn on.


You should actually live in Africa, and wake up one day to find maggots actually eating your flesh, below skin level, or putting on you shoes to find a poisonous snake has bitten your foot, defending its new comfortable home, or eating a meal at a table and finding a scorpion has stung your ankle.


But why not get terrified at things not that terrifying, and spending time recovering from the shock. I suggest you go to the university and get them to scrape your skin, after you have scrubbed it beforehand, and see what actually lives on you every moment of your life.


You are covered in bugs, living their lives on your skin, and all the washing and potions, disinfectants and such do nothing. Seen what lives in your mouth, and nose, seeing is believing and it could kill you, as its hard to live with not just yourself but the millions if not billions of other creatures your body supports.

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Yep, I suffer but not as bad as you hdclarke.


I've had three spiders drop down on me while driving from being on the sun visor. Now I leave the visor down all the time.


Like Megalithic I go camping a lot but I don't encounter them in the tent. But then again I do keep it zipped at all times.

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Thanks erebus....really!...did you think that was helpful. This fear of mine is not of my own making, I have been afraid of arachnids since being a small child. My father, grandfather and my daughters as well as my sister are arachnophobics as well. There is nothing sexual nor exciting about fear, especially not this fear....not for me anyway. Snakes do not scare me, nor for that matter do scorpions. I am very well aware of what lives on and under the skin and am very well acquainted with the University but have no desire to scrub or scratch.my skin and.then look at it under a microscope at the uni or anywhere else for that matter. These forms of life do not scare me, neither does my own shadow. If you have nothing helpful or intelligent to say, say nothing at all. You are obviously unqualified to help on this matter. God luck in your own weird little world.

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I have a Arachnophobia too , so I know how you feel . I have had to try & control it somewhat because I live on my own . I cant very well keep running round to my neighbours each time I see one of the things in my house. But it is hard & I cant settle if I know there is one around my house & I cant get rid before I go to bed. :(

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