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The majority of British (questioned) believe in "spiritual forces"

Do you believe in supernatural/spiritual forces?  

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  1. 1. Do you believe in supernatural/spiritual forces?

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No, absolutely certain that spiritual forces are produced by believing in homemade fantasies.


Everything that exists is natural and present in the moment, no need to believe in it when something is natural, nothing super about it unless it is sexy and calls for your services.

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What is this in response to? Who do you think is taking the Mickey out of people's beliefs?


Of course there's right and wrong. If I told you that I believe the Earth is flat, would I not be wrong?

Yet years ago, that would be an accepted belief


Maybe science in the future will prove that man has more than one existance.


After all we are moving (scientifically) into the realms of multiverses, and the thin line (or point or string,) between existance and non-existance, natter and antimatter, energy and light.

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You would be, just by him providing evidence to counter your beliefs. The same as he could counter anyone's belief the the world is flat.


It isn't rocket science anymore.


you are right, but lets just say that my suggestion was completely far out.....lets try another one. saw a flying saucer last night. Can that be seriously countered, or can it be proven? I think neither.

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you are right, but lets just say that my suggestion was completely far out.....lets try another one. saw a flying saucer last night. Can that be seriously countered, or can it be proven? I think neither.



Goalposts moved? Those that see phenomena will always avoid explain it by creating another phenomena rather than staying with the original. Not very scientific is it?


As for aliens and flying things, there's nothing to prove.. we already exist, so not completely far out.

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It always goes back to the same thing - Where did it all come from? What happened before the big bang? Who or what created the energy, the mass?


What caused it to come into being?


Why assume it came from somewhere, or was created by something, when the easiest explanation is that it always existed, and until we no differently there is no reason to assume that it was created.


---------- Post added 20-10-2013 at 07:25 ----------


Answered what?


The post from Anna B was about the beginning- origins, pre Big Bang etc.


That has not even closely been answered- and question may well be, will it ever?


For what it is worth, in Chemistry, we have the Law of the conservation of mass where nothing can be created or destroyed. This is not a theory like evolution or relativity. This is a an immutable fact of our world.

Which leads us to

So for anyone to think that everything just popped in to existence by itself or 'natural laws' played a part, is not speaking in scientific terms.



Where did the matter come from? I think it is cop out from atheists when they just say ' we don't know'. Not all theists just stop at 'god did it'.

It didn't pop into existence from nothing, it always existed as either energy or matter.




I know many who have studied sciences and looked at the bigger picture- using their knowledge of science and the absurdity that 'something cannot come from nothing' sets them on to a path to realize that a greater force is at work.


Call this what you will- atheists name it 'mother nature'...some people call it God.


P.S. I am not staying on this thread- done enough of them before- just making my one and only contribution.




---------- Post added 20-10-2013 at 07:38 ----------




OK. So I believe I (and everyone else) has a soul.


Why do I believe it? Well I'm on a hiding to nothing on this one aren't I...?


If I was to say God told me. I'd immediately get ripped to pieces or locked up as a nutter. See what I mean? Even if I had definitive 'proof,' (I haven't) I still couldn't win.


Like the joke says, If you talk to God, you're spiritual: If God talks to you, you're mental.


Plenty of people have had visions, messages etc and are swept off to a convent or a nut house. It makes for interesting reading if anyone's interested.


All I can say that might sound plausible is that I meditate and I 'feel' it, and I observe it in others. It's very personal. If you've never had the experience (and you probably could, if you made time and space for it) you'll not understand what I mean.


(PS. I use the word 'God' simply as shorthand for 'Spiritual force.')


Lets assume for a moment that the soul does exist.


I lead a good life and follow the path of God, helping others, but at the age of forty I have an accident and suffer brain damage, this leaves me with no memories of my previous life and turns me into a violent man, everything I loved and cared about is lost and a new violent life begins.


Which memories would my soul contain, the ones that were destroyed in the accident, the ones I created after the accident, or both? `

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I can't disagree with anything you say.


I don't know the answers, just what I personally think.


I just think it's a bit sad that people are so certain there's nothing, rather than be open minded to at least the possibility.


Many atheists aren't certain there's nothing and are indeed open minded to the possibility. They just don't jump to the conclusion that there IS something.

I, for one, do not claim there are no gods or spiritual forces, I just don't have any belief in them (I have no reason to).


---------- Post added 20-10-2013 at 11:31 ----------


Does anyone know what happened to most of Annachan's posts and my replies?

They didn't seem to contain anything which would break SF rules :suspect:


---------- Post added 20-10-2013 at 11:33 ----------


Maybe science in the future will prove that man has more than one existance.


After all we are moving (scientifically) into the realms of multiverses, and the thin line (or point or string,) between existance and non-existance, natter and antimatter, energy and light.


I haven't said anything contrary to this, why did you quote me?

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Surely a lack of any evidence to suggest that something exists should make you as certain as you can be that it doesn't.

Although that still allows for the possibility of future evidence changing your mind.

I'm certain that Santa isn't real and that goblins don't live at the bottom of my garden, based on a lack of evidence for either, the same applies to deities and supernatural goings on.

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