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What paper do you read and why?

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Oooo... do I get first go then?


Nationals... The Times, occasionally Telegraph or Indie

Locally... Sheffield Telegraph, occasionally Yorkshire Post, sometimes blag a Star.

Sundays...Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph,

Sometimes... FT and Sunday Business


Struggle to keep up with the gossip in the red tops, but thankfully I gave up reading IZAL a few years ago :D

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I don't read any newspapers.


We have the Sunday Mirror delivered which seems to amuse my wife for the latter part of the weekend. I do glance though the sport's sectionat the football results and then flick through the mag if to see if there are any pictures of tasty birds.


Actually, I was an avid fan of the Mirror once-upon-a-time, but it got crappy so I stopped buying it.


These days I prefer Viz. It's more truthful.

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well i usually read them all (on my papper round) but when i buy one i usually buy the Mail for the Weekend suppliment

or for the crossword (the one on the back, not the hard on in the middle, im not that brainy) :(


Fletch (im back, yay) :thumbsup:

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I read the Metro, because it's free and I can read it quickly before starting work.


Then at lunchtime I read whatever's been left in the staffroom.


Then on the way home I sometimes get a Star.


Get the Sheffield Telegraph on a Friday, a mini-tabloid sized Independent if I'm not working or am starting work late, and an Observer on a Sunday!

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I read the Gruniad on line because it actually reports the facts behind the news. I also read the Torygraph and Times on line for the same reason and it's nice to see the news from a different perspective.


Buy the Sheffield Star so I can keep up with what's going on in the city and The Observer on Sunday as it's a good read, balanced and more independant than The Independant.

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