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British muslims warned

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Nonetheless it's statistically fairly insignificant.


I don't think it is statistically insignificant. Remember Islamists don't do democracy. They don't care that most British Muslims want the quiet life and are happy as things are. They don't care about other peoples views or opinions, only what they believe their god wants is relevant to them. They want a holy war and they won't need to turn even 5% of Muslims to their way of thinking to get it. All they need to do is mount a sustained attack, wait for a backlash and the angry Muslim youth will come to them.


The risk may be being managed by the security service but it is just treating the symptoms. A cure needs to be found within the Muslim community where the disease of Islamic extremism lurks.


If you believe the 5:1 (assuming the figures are correct) means something then you could do your bit by challenging the Islamophobes on this forum when they rear their heads and show Muslims you mean what you say- the bit about the door being open to integrate-you have to put the drawbridge across the moat first.


I was watching The Chase the other day and a contestant gave a detailed explanation of how he had worked out the answer. The reasoning was irrational nonsense but he still got the question right.


There may be racists on here that challenge Islam for irrational reasons but it doesn't mean they get everything wrong. To dismiss them as Islamophobes is a mistake because they are right that we should fear the growth of Islam whilst the extremism within is unchecked. There is nothing phobic about it.


I agree that there are people on here whose comments are sometimes untactful and unhelpful and may even be fuelled by racism. But they are not representative of the welcome immigrant receive in this country. The fact remains that we are one of the most tolerant countries on Earth and I really do not think the onus is on us to try harder. I think the onus is on Muslims to try harder and to deal with the extremism and intolerance within their ranks that is far worse than anything directed at them.

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Excuses aren't required, the evidence is staring you in the face, Muslims integrate with me, they integrate with my children, friends, family..in fact everyone I know.


Your crass statement says much more about you than it does them.


Should I be making excuses for you?


If you think Muslims are integrating with you and your family you are deluded or just a victim of a facade. Throughout the world Muslims show no interest in integration and where they can will target non Muslims with the intention of driving them out. Egypt, Pakistan etc etc..

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Have you served in HM Forces?


Have you ever been a Muslim?


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 19:42 ----------


If you think Muslims are integrating with you and your family you are deluded or just a victim of a facade. Throughout the world Muslims show no interest in integration and where they can will target non Muslims with the intention of driving them out. Egypt, Pakistan etc etc..


Sorry I thought you had no interest in changing 'reality'.

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...........about critiscising jihadists



but vow to keep on, brave brave people


Keep on speaking out, thats what i say. And tell a friend to aswell.

Muslims speaking out against Islamic terrorism is definately a foot forward.

Wished they would organise a demonstration in London. Would be very interesting to see the numbers that turn out. And to see the size of the counter demonstration.

'Islam against terrorism' or 'Muslims against terrorism'

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Keep on speaking out, thats what i say. And tell a friend to aswell.

Muslims speaking out against Islamic terrorism is definately a foot forward.

Wished they would organise a demonstration in London. Would be very interesting to see the numbers that turn out. And to see the size of the counter demonstration.

'Islam against terrorism' or 'Muslims against terrorism'


They probably have but it was raining so they held it in the organiser's front room.



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Excuses aren't required, the evidence is staring you in the face, Muslims integrate with me, they integrate with my children, friends, family..in fact everyone I know.


Your crass statement says much more about you than it does them.


Should I be making excuses for you?


A bit of generalisation there boyfriday, just because a few integrate with you doesn't mean they all want to integrate. ;)

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There have been one, maybe two terrorist attacks in the UK since 2007 and maybe a handful that have been subverted by the security forces..long may their interventions be productive. Holy Wars require a bit more than a few dozen disenfranchised youths kicking off with bombs they've made from hair colouring.


An estimated 3,000 Muslims who have been to terror camps is more than a few dozen. It is enough to kick things off if they can overcome the challenges they face.


As you say, bombs made from hair colouring aren't going to start a holy war. Wannabe terrorists face a number of logistical challenges e.g. we live in an island where weapons and explosive are difficult to get hold of, they are not organised or coordinated (or we hope not) and there is of course the work of the security forces. But it doesn't mean the intent and ambition isn't there. And it doesn't mean that they on't get better.



The flipside to your analysis is that the more extreme the Islamists become the more they galvanise domestic Muslim opinion against them, but that relies on the acceptance and support of we non Muslims and not this constant dripping tap of telling them how crap they are and what they're thinking (see wellyman's obscene observations)


Is that what happened eslewhere when Islamist movements started to spring up? Did the ordinary and moderate Muslim galvanise and stop them in their tracks? Places like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia etc, etc, etc? No, they didn't. And they can't even blame non-Muslims for the the lack of support or provoking them.


Check out the work of the Quilliam Foundation, I've been watching them for the last 4 years, shame they only reached the popular media when Tommy Robinson decided to align himself to them.


Yes, a voie of reason. Let us hope that their fellow Muslims listen.



Zamo your protestations have a whiff of she who doth protest too much, or missionary guilt..you can breath, you're talking to me.


I protest at the onus being put on non-Muslims to do more to encourage integration.


I understand nothing is black and white but all shades of grey. There are many Muslims I know personally who I don't like, but it's because of who they are, not what religion they subscribe to.


And I know many Muslims that I do like, but it's because of who they are, not what religion they subscribe to. Either way it is irrelevant to the debate.


All that is relevant is that Islamic extremist exist within Britains' Muslim communities and it is for those communities to deal with the problem before things esculate.


Before I came on this forum Muslims and what they do (or dont do) had never really bothered me, but I'm afraid some of the things said about them is quite frankly lamentable, I remember the hooligans who used to smash up Asian shops and restaurants in the 70's, a strange form of recreation called **** Bashing, they were trying to get on with us then and provide a service we wanted to use..how did you think that helped them integrate or their children who have long memories These hooligans got away with it because the Asians didn't fight back, they were seen as a benign,mild mannered community.


I am sure there is a degree of truth in that the current generation of Muslims are, in part, rebelling against what happened to their community in the past. But what a pointless exercise when so much progress that has been made. They need to walk through the integration door that their fathers opened for them instead of slamming it shut.


Enough now though BF... I'm going to bed.

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