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British muslims warned

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I protest at the onus being put on non-Muslims to do more to encourage integration.


Right Zamo, although I can think of a lot better things to do, I challenge you to come with me to the next open day at Severn Road mosque. They used to publicise the events on here, but it was like the tumbleweed thread, Ive never been and don't know anyone that has, so it could be an instructive couple of hours..for them and us.


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 23:07 ----------


Is that what happened eslewhere when Islamist movements started to spring up? Did the ordinary and moderate Muslim galvanise and stop them in their tracks? Places like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia etc, etc, etc? No, they didn't. And they can't even blame non-Muslims for the the lack of support or provoking them.
But Im talking about our Muslims the ones who live here and the ones I know and are influenced by our way of life and culture..the ones in the middle east I have no idea what motivates them, just as British Christians have no idea what motivates the KKK or Westboro Baptists.


Enough now though BF... I'm going to bed.

I'm there already and neglecting my g'f to write this, so Im in the doghouse ;)
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Come on BF, I asked if you'd ever served in HM Forces due to the comments you passed.

It's a daft question, as daft as mine. You don't need to have experienced something to know it might have happened or empathise with those it might have happened to.


You wrote a post saying that discrimination against ethnic minorities existed in HM Forces. I'll ask you again 'Have you served in HM Forces?'

Pleas answer, no fudging the issue.

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[/color] But Im talking about our Muslims the ones who live here and the ones I know and are influenced by our way of life and culture..the ones in the middle east I have no idea what motivates them.

Dis you see any Muslims demonstrating against the London tube and bus bombings?


Did you Muslims around the world demonstrating against 911?


Did you see crowds of Muslims demonstrating against Rushdie's satanic Verses?


Did You see Muslims around the world demonstrating against some cartoons?


Are British Muslims demonstrating against Al- Shabab threats?


Five answers = 2 yes's and 3 no's.


And you wonder why there is mistrust about Islam.


---------- Post added 22-10-2013 at 23:22 ----------


No I haven't. Have you?
Yes I have and I can honestly state that I never came across one single case of discrimination due to race or ethnicity.
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Yes I have and I can honestly state that I never came across one single case of discrimination due to race or ethnicity.


Excellent, well you more than many posters here make my point.


If I were a Muslim considering joining the armed forces and your views are typical of non Muslims, I wouldn't want to work alongside people who shared those kind of views..I certainly wouldn't believe those people would want to get along with me or watch my back on the battlefield and there are plenty of other job options.

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And people have to want to cross it,where have you been, Muslims dont want to integrate because their book tells them not to.

theres a few pakistanis and an iraqi that integrated well here





*gets coat*


and yes its from march, i know :P

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Originally Posted by Glamrocker

And people have to want to cross it,where have you been, Muslims dont want to integrate because their book tells them not to.

Originally Posted by wellyman



Correct and I don't need someone who is a self appointed excuse maker for them telling me otherwise because that won't change reality.


Excuses aren't required, the evidence is staring you in the face, Muslims integrate with me, they integrate with my children, friends, family..in fact everyone I know.


Your crass statement says much more about you than it does them.


Should I be making excuses for you?


that's why we need a like button!

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Right Zamo, although I can think of a lot better things to do, I challenge you to come with me to the next open day at Severn Road mosque. They used to publicise the events on here, but it was like the tumbleweed thread, Ive never been and don't know anyone that has, so it could be an instructive couple of hours..for them and us.


I am touched by the offer but, to be completely honest, I'd rather eat my own testicles. Invite me to the pub and that would be another matter!


The fact is that I don't need to go to a mosque to know most Muslim are decent people - I've never questioned that. My issue is with how religion is used to manipulate people and how it can be used to evil effect - as Islam is around the world.


But Im talking about our Muslims the ones who live here and the ones I know and are influenced by our way of life and culture..the ones in the middle east I have no idea what motivates them, just as British Christians have no idea what motivates the KKK or Westboro Baptists.


If the influence of our way of life is going to help prevent Islamist support from growing amongst British Muslims then that is all the more reason to push for more integration.


I'm there already and neglecting my g'f to write this, so Im in the doghouse ;)


I think my missus actually wishes I'd neglect her by posting more!

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theres a few pakistanis and an iraqi that integrated well here





*gets coat*


and yes its from march, i know :P


Talking of integration, you missed this one mel, there's a link on the same page as that very article you linked:




Charming people eh, some would call that a cowardly racist attack.

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Talking of integration, you missed this one mel, there's a link on the same page as that very article you linked:




Charming people eh, some would call that a cowardly racist attack.

indeed and i hope they are / were caught, but you seem to be reading more into than me....surprisingly

was it racist? i dont think so, it says he was attacked because he "wasnt local"?

was he attacked cos he wasnt asian?

was he attacked cos he was italian american?

it doesnt say so, i cant say its racist without the full facts


it sounds like he was attacked purely the wrong place the wrong time, they were obviously out for a ruck and he happened to be there, they said something, he answered back, they got the excuse they needed.

sadly it ahhpens in all towns and cities and areas of people of all pesuasions

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