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British muslims warned

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I don't think the Muslim Council Of Britain represents ordinary Muslims. Leaders of organisations don't always have the support of the mainstream, whatever race or religion. Camerons always making statement on my behalf.
As far as I know the MCGB isn't a political party and if you don't listen to them how else are you going to hear what Muslims have to say? They're the accepted 'mouthpiece'. Here's another publication which tries to address Muslims being always shown in a negative light, although given your mindset it's unlikely to placate you. http://muslimgoodnews.com/

What I can't quite get my head around is that if Quilliam are looking for ways to combat extremism why do they get such a bad press? They seem to be attacked by ordinary Muslims for trying to resolve the issue.

I haven't seen that view as prolific, although aligning themselves with Tommy Robinson probably doesn't help.

Just read the comments on here by the Progressives and others for evidence of this. It's as if they'd prefer the status quo. I know they were not well known until Tommy Robinson was asked to join them but that just shows the lack of interest. TR can at least be congratulated for raising the profile of Quilliam. I know you said you've been championing them for years, problem is nobody listens to you, or me. It needs some high profile Muslims to show support.

Nobody listens to high profile Muslims, unless they have body parts missing and spill anti western bile on our doorstep.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:25 ----------


Quilliam seem to be perceived as a minority with the Muslim world. As they are clearly moderates this tends to indicate that the majority of Muslims must be supporters of extremism.


This is what I mean about the anti Islam Spinning machine.


You start with a false assumption, or at least one you can't comment on. Because the assumption is presented as fact, the conclusion you draw from it, no matter how outlandish must be true.


You could learn from the words of Johnny Rotten..


My way of thinking as I approach any human being on this planet is, 'What are you doing now?' That's what interests me. I don't come at anybody with a whole bunch of assumptions.
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FGS Angos change the record :roll:

try watching this


a decent documentary on the subject, in between the extremists there is some DECENT muslims who denounce the violence AND the extremists, including some of her freinds, obviously you wont watch it cos its not what you want to hear, or youll focus on the extremists LOL


I haven't said there aren't.


I think all that weed as muggled your ability to think.

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If the Muslim community had a sort of, "Not In Our Name" day, like organised against the Iraq war. If they marched and had banners proclaiming their opposition to terrorism then this would give a massive boost to their claim to be integrating.


Muslims suffer from very bad PR in relation to this and their frequent comments that they shouldn't have to show this opposition, because obviously they don't support extremist may be true, but a protest would provide evidence of this.


Muslim's would benefit from a Tommy Robinson type character, a strong person who puts his / her opinions before any personal interests.


Only then will the majority of people believe that their is widespread opposition to extremists.


Sometimes the majority has to make sacrifices because of the actions of the minority. That's just life, its tough. So lets see some real opposition.


Did you call for a "Not in my name" as day when the catholic priests were outed as kiddie fiddlers?"


Did you even speak out?


Or do you, like others do, understand that this is (hopefully) something of a minority-among-minorites phenomenon, and appreciate that the overwhelming majority of Catholics are normal law abiding people who want to live their daily life?


Did you call for a "Not-in-my-name-as-a-male-day" when a white, christian man (Peter Sutcliffe) went on the rampage murdering women?


Or did you appreciate that this was the act of a women-hating maniac, and that the majority of men tend to be ordinary, non-murdering blokes who live their lives uneventfully?


Do you call for a not in my name day as a parent when we hear of brutality like that towards children such as the Victoria Climbie / Jasmine Beckford/ Tyra Hendry/ Baby Peter/ Daniel Pelka cases, or do you appreciate that most parents are normal, loving parents, who don't tend to thrash their children to death, generally...?


again... when it comes to terrorism, Terrorists are a minority of the human race. Muslim terrorists are a minority of a minority of a minority... the massive majority of we Muslims just want to live peaceably, and get on with the mundane, bog-standard things of our lives... Going to work and earning a crust... Going shopping, and having time with our kiddies and grand-kiddies. cooking, socialising with friends, curling up with a good book or in front of coronation Street of an evening... Maybe decorating the front room....

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Did you call for a "Not in my name" as day when the catholic priests were outed as kiddie fiddlers?"


Did you even speak out?


Or do you, like others do, understand that this is (hopefully) something of a minority-among-minorites phenomenon, and appreciate that the overwhelming majority of Catholics are normal law abiding people who want to live their daily life?


Did you call for a "Not-in-my-name-as-a-male-day" when a white, christian man (Peter Sutcliffe) went on the rampage murdering women?


Or did you appreciate that this was the act of a women-hating maniac, and that the majority of men tend to be ordinary, non-murdering blokes who live their lives uneventfully?


Do you call for a not in my name day as a parent when we hear of brutality like that towards children such as the Victoria Climbie / Jasmine Beckford/ Tyra Hendry/ Baby Peter/ Daniel Pelka cases, or do you appreciate that most parents are normal, loving parents, who don't tend to thrash their children to death, generally...?


again... when it comes to terrorism, Terrorists are a minority of the human race. Muslim terrorists are a minority of a minority of a minority... the massive majority of we Muslims just want to live peaceably, and get on with the mundane, bog-standard things of our lives... Going to work and earning a crust... Going shopping, and having time with our kiddies and grand-kiddies. cooking, socialising with friends, curling up with a good book or in front of coronation Street of an evening... Maybe decorating the front room....

no its only muslims that must do these things in their warped lil minds :hihi:

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As far as I know the MCGB isn't a political party and if you don't listen to them how else are you going to hear what Muslims have to say? They're the accepted 'mouthpiece'. Here's another publication which tries to address Muslims being always shown in a negative light, although given your mindset it's unlikely to placate you. http://muslimgoodnews.com/

I haven't seen that view as prolific, although aligning themselves with Tommy Robinson probably doesn't help.

Nobody listens to high profile Muslims, unless they have body parts missing and spill anti western bile on our doorstep.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:25 ----------



This is what I mean about the anti Islam Spinning machine.


You start with a false assumption, or at least one you can't comment on. Because the assumption is presented as fact, the conclusion you draw from it, no matter how outlandish must be true.


You could learn from the words of Johnny Rotten..


Seems like these are on the Quilliam list of dodgy groups,


"Political / entry-level Islamist groups:


Groups associated with the Muslim Brotherhood:

Muslim Council of Britain

Muslim Association of Britain

Federation of Student Islamic Societies

Cordoba Foundation

Scottish Islamic Foundation

Finsbury Park mosque

Muslim Welfare House

British Muslim Initiative"

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