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British muslims warned

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Did you call for a "Not in my name" as day when the catholic priests were outed as kiddie fiddlers?"


Did you even speak out?


Or do you, like others do, understand that this is (hopefully) something of a minority-among-minorites phenomenon, and appreciate that the overwhelming majority of Catholics are normal law abiding people who want to live their daily life?


Did you call for a "Not-in-my-name-as-a-male-day" when a white, christian man (Peter Sutcliffe) went on the rampage murdering women?


Or did you appreciate that this was the act of a women-hating maniac, and that the majority of men tend to be ordinary, non-murdering blokes who live their lives uneventfully?


Do you call for a not in my name day as a parent when we hear of brutality like that towards children such as the Victoria Climbie / Jasmine Beckford/ Tyra Hendry/ Baby Peter/ Daniel Pelka cases, or do you appreciate that most parents are normal, loving parents, who don't tend to thrash their children to death, generally...?


again... when it comes to terrorism, Terrorists are a minority of the human race. Muslim terrorists are a minority of a minority of a minority... the massive majority of we Muslims just want to live peaceably, and get on with the mundane, bog-standard things of our lives... Going to work and earning a crust... Going shopping, and having time with our kiddies and grand-kiddies. cooking, socialising with friends, curling up with a good book or in front of coronation Street of an evening... Maybe decorating the front room....


I was making the comparison between the anti war protesters who got on the streets to show their opposition. The other cases you site are irrelevant, and of a different nature. But yes, if there was an opinion, wrongly, that I supported any of those acts then of course I'd go onto the streets to protest.


A simple question is, If there was a street protest by Muslims to oppose extremists within their community would you attend?


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 20:06 ----------


no its only muslims that must do these things in their warped lil minds :hihi:


I don't think anyone is saying this. The debate is about terrorists living amongst us and how to defeat them.


None of the groups that Plaintalker states are such, so they are irrelevant. We're talking about extremists, Muslim ones. There are no other groups that have significant numbers of extremists within their ranks.

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backtracking are we? cos thats NOT what youve been saying regard islam, muslims and their holy book


No backtracking here, I stand by what I say, and you won't find a post of mine that states that all Muslims are violent.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 20:46 ----------


Did you call for a "Not in my name" as day when the catholic priests were outed as kiddie fiddlers?"
I did even though I'm not a Catholic, I also denounced the belief in a God just after figuring out that Santa wasn't real. I know Santa doesn't exist because if he did, presents would appear under the tree, and if an all loving, all knowing all powerful God existed it wouldn't have created people just so they can cause pain and misery on other people, unless God is evil and caused all this misery for entertainment value, anyone worshiping such a God deserves the same contempt that I would show God if I thought it existed.
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As far as I know the MCGB isn't a political party and if you don't listen to them how else are you going to hear what Muslims have to say? They're the accepted 'mouthpiece'. Here's another publication which tries to address Muslims being always shown in a negative light, although given your mindset it's unlikely to placate you. http://muslimgoodnews.com/

I haven't seen that view as prolific, although aligning themselves with Tommy Robinson probably doesn't help.

Nobody listens to high profile Muslims, unless they have body parts missing and spill anti western bile on our doorstep.


---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:25 ----------



This is what I mean about the anti Islam Spinning machine.


You start with a false assumption, or at least one you can't comment on. Because the assumption is presented as fact, the conclusion you draw from it, no matter how outlandish must be true.


You could learn from the words of Johnny Rotten..


Its nothing to do with me or anyone else being anti anything, in view of the record, 9/11,7/7 etc etc etc its up to the followers of the prophet to convince the rest of us that they can be trusted.


Did you see channel 4 news tonight? 30 Batman impersonators trying to convince us that unless they walk round wearing a veil they are in breach of the Koran. What total tosh. If they are so convinced that this is the way to live why don't they toddle off to Saudi?

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Its nothing to do with me or anyone else being anti anything, in view of the record, 9/11,7/7 etc etc etc its up to the followers of the prophet to convince the rest of us that they can be trusted.


Did you see channel 4 news tonight? 30 Batman impersonators trying to convince us that unless they walk round wearing a veil they are in breach of the Koran. What total tosh. If they are so convinced that this is the way to live why don't they toddle off to Saudi?


And its this sort of issue why we are at stalemate. The Progressive Liberals are in a right kerfuffle over how to react. They think women shouldn't be oppressed and treated in such a misogynistic way but they can't say anything because they'd then be critical of a minority group... and that is, well, "racist".... So they name call, derail the arguments and fudge the issue.

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Its nothing to do with me or anyone else being anti anything, in view of the record, 9/11,7/7 etc etc etc its up to the followers of the prophet to convince the rest of us that they can be trusted.


Did you see channel 4 news tonight? 30 Batman impersonators trying to convince us that unless they walk round wearing a veil they are in breach of the Koran. What total tosh. If they are so convinced that this is the way to live why don't they toddle off to Saudi?


see my sig line for my opinion on that!

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again... when it comes to terrorism, Terrorists are a minority of the human race. Muslim terrorists are a minority of a minority of a minority... the massive majority of we Muslims just want to live peaceably, and get on with the mundane, bog-standard things of our lives... Going to work and earning a crust... Going shopping, and having time with our kiddies and grand-kiddies. cooking, socialising with friends, curling up with a good book or in front of coronation Street of an evening... Maybe decorating the front room....


So, to be clear, you do not think it is the responsibility of the Muslim community (ordinary, decent, peaceful Muslims) to tackle Islamic extremism?

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see my sig line for my opinion on that!


Muslim Women should not wear veils, says page 1 of The Sun...

For further information about The Sun's opinion of women, turn to page 3



Are these women choosing to earn money by appearing topless, or are they told they should to it, it looks to me like the Sun just gives them the right to choose. I doubt their are many parents out their indoctrinating their children into believing that going topless in the Sun is something that is required by a imaginary God.


How many Muslim women grow up without being indoctrinated into believing a God wants them to wear a veil, but choose to wear it anyway. How many have the right to say no, I will not wear the veil. When was the last time a women was violently assaulted for not going topless, my guess is that doesn't happen, and the last time a women was violently assaulted for not wearing a veil, seams to be quite frequently.

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Are these women choosing to earn money by appearing topless, or are they told they should to it, it looks to me like the Sun just gives them the right to choose. I doubt their are many parents out their indoctrinating their children into believing that going topless in the Sun is something that is required by a imaginary God.


How many Muslim women grow up without being indoctrinated into believing a God wants them to wear a veil, but choose to wear it anyway. How many have the right to say no, I will not wear the veil. When was the last time a women was violently assaulted for not going topless, my guess is that doesn't happen, and the last time a women was violently assaulted for not wearing a veil, seams to be quite frequently.


Some will try to make this into a competition between topless women and women who want or are forced to wear a veil.


Western culture has aspects that some are uncomfortable with, this is the price we pay for freedom. If a woman wishes to go topless, as a model or to sunbathe, or if she wishes to drink, smoke or behave in a way others believe to be immodest this is a small price to pay for the other freedoms we enjoy.


For foreigners or those from the second generation of immigrants with different attitudes and belief systems who enjoy those freedoms of access, education, health care and security which we provide free of charge to come here and attempt to impose their own attitudes on the way we live is unacceptable. If they don't like it, leave. See how you like Saudi, or Pakistan, Somalia, those havens of peace love, Sharia law stonings, floggings and beheadings.


They should either get used to living here, adapt to this culture, or get out.

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Its nothing to do with me or anyone else being anti anything, in view of the record, 9/11,7/7 etc etc etc its up to the followers of the prophet to convince the rest of us that they can be trusted.
Don't you find that your normal daily encounters with Muslims provides perfectly adequate evidence?

Did you see channel 4 news tonight? 30 Batman impersonators trying to convince us that unless they walk round wearing a veil they are in breach of the Koran. What total tosh. If they are so convinced that this is the way to live why don't they toddle off to Saudi?


Frankly what's that got to do with anything? Ive regularly seen men walking around in superhero costumes and doing fairly sensational things on parliament buildings, but I don't believe Fathers For Justice represent me or dads generally..do you?


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 10:51 ----------


Western culture has aspects that some are uncomfortable with, this is the price we pay for freedom. If a woman wishes to go topless, as a model or to sunbathe, or if she wishes to drink, smoke or behave in a way others believe to be immodest this is a small price to pay for the other freedoms we enjoy.


So why shouldn't she have the freedom to wear a bag on her head if she wants to?


It seems your championing of female choice only applies to those freedoms you agree with-in other words it's no freedom at all.

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