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British muslims warned

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sigh, theres always one


THIS is in relation to an actual video which targets them by name, yes their usual actions are random, ie:- so people DONT normally know where they hit so its a moot point arguing over random possibles


Thanks for clarifying that mel.

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I thought they were tageting all British civilians. It just shows how you can get things wrong if you actually read the words rather than what you want to see.


Further to mel's post you also failed to observe that the million or so Muslims in this country who hadn't been named specifically haven't been given protection either, although they too could just as easily be victims of the random attacks mel alluded to.

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How would the threat be carried out? Does the UK immigration system fail to stop Jihadi Somali trash attempting to enter the UK or are these kind of people already been given rights of residence in the UK?


how would you identify jihadi somali trash or any other trash for that matter?


presumably, if they were asked this on entry to the country then they wouldn't answer truthfully....

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aint that an old story? i remember reading about that "muslim" patrol, that article rememinded me of the tit anjem choudry, who was on the stacey dooley vid i watched last night, all he kept telling her was youre not muslim youre going to hell, which she pulled him up about and got no other answer

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How would the threat be carried out? Does the UK immigration system fail to stop Jihadi Somali trash attempting to enter the UK or are these kind of people already been given rights of residence in the UK?


A lot of them become jihadis after arriving here from Somalia as asylum seekers. A lot were born here.

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sigh, theres always one


THIS is in relation to an actual video which targets them by name, yes their usual actions are random, ie:- so people DONT normally know where they hit so its a moot point arguing over random possibles


Oh I see. So 6 Muslims out of the million or so have spoken out about muslim attrocities and you feel this is a huge plus point worth mentioning. What about the 999,994 that didn't.


Just who was targetted 9/11 and 7/7? Weren't several thousand folk killed by Muslim terrorists. They were the ones targeted. But there's always one. Usually the same one.


There seems less Muslims that have become targets than have gone to the training camps to become terrorists.


But keep ringing that bell mel.


---------- Post added 19-10-2013 at 00:13 ----------


Muslims threatening to kill people, whatever next?!


Apparently it is a step forward. Before they were only wanting to kill everyone else. Now its everyone.

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Oh I see. So 6 Muslims out of the million or so have spoken out about muslim attrocities and you feel this is a huge plus point worth mentioning. What about the 999,994 that didn't.


Just who was targetted 9/11 and 7/7? Weren't several thousand folk killed by Muslim terrorists. They were the ones targeted. But there's always one. Usually the same one.


There seems less Muslims that have become targets than have gone to the training camps to become terrorists.


But keep ringing that bell mel.


---------- Post added 19-10-2013 at 00:13 ----------



Apparently it is a step forward. Before they were only wanting to kill everyone else. Now its everyone.


I think you need to invest in a sense of proportion.

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