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British muslims warned

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Personally I don't believe it's their responsibility anymore than anyone else's, but if they want to that's fine. It's setting people up to failure (and self righteous indignation when they do fail) if you demand they act on something which they're not responsible for.


If there is a penalty in a game of football then it isn't the responsibility of the whole team to try and save it or even the person who conceded the penalty. Responsibility falls to the goalkeep because he is the only one in a position to do something about it. Such are the realities of responsibility.


Excusing British Muslims from their responsibility will not encourage them to do more. And if they do not do more then the problem will continue to get worse. And if it gets worse (e.g. regular and sustained terror attacks) then more and more non-Muslims will reach the limits of their tolerance. And then there will be a backlash against all British Muslims. You do them no favours with your argument.


It reminds me of the apologies some groups have demanded from governments because of the historic misdeeds of the people they represent. I'm sure you don't agree that the British government should apologise for colonialism or its part in the slave trade for example?


There is a big difference between accepting responsibility for the sins of your fathers and accepting responsibility for the sins of your own generation and the one you are raising. You can't do anything about the past.

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By standing on a street corner at firvale with a placard condemning extremism?


The only problem with that is Muslims may approach and say.."I'm not an extremist and I haven't encountered extremism personally, and with respect I have a family to look after rather than stand around shouting my lungs out".


The solutions are theirs to find. There will be consequence for all if they do not find them but mainly within the Muslim community.


It is no different to Europe reaching the end of their teath with English football violence in the 80's. They sent us packing and rightly so - it forced us to face up to our responsibilities. Let's hope British Muslims do not leave it so late, which they may well do if people keep telling them they don't have a responsibility.

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The solutions are theirs to find. There will be consequence for all if they do not find them but mainly within the Muslim community.


It is no different to Europe reaching the end of their teath with English football violence in the 80's. They sent us packing and rightly so - it forced us to face up to our responsibilities. Let's hope British Muslims do not leave it so late, which they may well do if people keep telling them they don't have a responsibility.



get behind the likes of those in the very first post of this thread, embrace what they are doing, allow them space in our society and in their own religion and community and stop trying to inflict YOUR will on them at every turn

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Don't recall catholic priests flying airliners into building, bombing busses and the London, setting bombs off everyday targeting men, women and children.


...and I also don't recall seeing Muslim Imams doing either of the above.

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of course, white english "christian" people dont have to stand up and be counted for anything, just muslims


To be honest, the ethnicity or religion had nothing to do with my link..it was a random pick. I just typed in "killer" and up popped his mugshot.


It would on the other hand be very presumptuous of me to knock on the door of a White, English Christian and go hell for leather as to their ignoring responsibility for something they are not responsible for.

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