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British muslims warned

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The only people treating them differently are the people demanding they behave differently to you or I.

Wrong again, we don't accept criticism of a whole group of people based on the actions of the few...are you getting there yet?

Show us the thread where the actions of 'nutty Christians' are being used to denounce Christians generally and you might have a good point.

True, he's quite different from the right wing or left wing racist.

That I'd fully agree with, we could start by not slagging them off ad nauseum, I've rarely seen people compelled by people who are critical of their behaviour.

You've chosen to bring so many political associations into one sentence there!

How about just accepting people how you find them, rather than how you want to find them? That'd be quite radical for some of you.

Better, undoubtedly.

Rightly so, whatever religion or colour they are.

Again, false assumptions creating the outcome you're predicting.

Who thankfully aren't anywhere near as active as the Irish terrorists were in the 70's and 80's.


If not for double standards, you wouldn't have any standards.

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I'd go further ronald, amongst 'nutty Christians' blacks are over represented-there's some real dumb ass black Christians :hihi:


They come in all sizes and colours. My Doctor Dr Hosseini is deffo now on my check-list.


I find it odd that the xenophobes on here always finish their argument with.." My best friend Abdul confided in me while in a taxi he drives 12 hours a day that his intention is to bring western civilisation crumbling down around our ears while wearing a vest, just in case they didn't get an agreement".

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Please have the common courtesy not to quote and then take out of context what I have written. My contribution comes as a whole, and should be read and commented on as such.


I note you merely seek to make sarcastic and clever dick comments rather than address any off the issues I raise.


This is a sign you have lost the argument but do not know when to shut up. Try thinking, assimilating the information and then responding sensibly.


I try to avoid taking sides but would say, hopefully not in a patronising way, that you have had the better in the debate.

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The solutions are theirs to find. There will be consequence for all if they do not find them but mainly within the Muslim community.


It is no different to Europe reaching the end of their teath with English football violence in the 80's. They sent us packing and rightly so - it forced us to face up to our responsibilities. Let's hope British Muslims do not leave it so late, which they may well do if people keep telling them they don't have a responsibility.


Once again, Zamo speaks clearly and concisely and ,makes the point completely. He, and others, including me should not be considered haters of Muslims or anyone else, we merely ask the majority to take charge of their own community and isolate and remove those who would do the greater community harm.

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They come in all sizes and colours. My Doctor Dr Hosseini is deffo now on my check-list.


I find it odd that the xenophobes on here always finish their argument with.." My best friend Abdul confided in me while in a taxi he drives 12 hours a day that his intention is to bring western civilisation crumbling down around our ears while wearing a vest, just in case they didn't get an agreement".


The irony is that it is you who is the xenophobe. It is you who treats people differently depending on what colour they are.

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I try to avoid taking sides but would say, hopefully not in a patronising way, that you have had the better in the debate.



Thank you sir, I do not seek to defeat or belittle anyone, I merely ask that our fellow citizens of the Muslim religion undertake their responsibilities for the good of the wider community.

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Thank you sir, I do not seek to defeat or belittle anyone, I merely ask that our fellow citizens of the Muslim religion undertake their responsibilities for the good of the wider community.


You put your point across in a none hostile, considered way in which some could learn from.

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Once again, Zamo speaks clearly and concisely and ,makes the point completely. He, and others, including me should not be considered haters of Muslims or anyone else, we merely ask the majority to take charge of their own community and isolate and remove those who would do the greater community harm.


so youre our guardian angel and removing chavs, rapists, muggers, drug dealers / drug users, whores and granny muggers from our communitys then? :suspect:


thought not



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I thought abuse was against forum rules.. :hihi:


I'll repeat again, there's no racist like a Lliberal racist. That's you that is.


I don't think all Muslims are nutty, just some. The nutters from other religions are no threat to national security.


If you think they are, I don't really think you do though, see the second paragraph, you are a misguided individual.


Do you not find it pertinent when a statement is deemed idiotic the statement is highly likely to be made by an idiot? I certainly wont appologise for what you type. Funny how you all whine at the term "abuse" but defend the right to abuse by slapping a womans backside in "fun" then scream "PC" has gone mad.

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so youre our guardian angel and removing chavs, rapists, muggers, drug dealers / drug users, whores and granny muggers from our communitys then? :suspect:


thought not




Ill be whatever you want me to be, including a Swedish plumber.


BTW this was quite serious discussion before you turned up, now go and sit with the kids.

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