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British muslims warned

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The solutions are theirs to find. There will be consequence for all if they do not find them but mainly within the Muslim community.


It is no different to Europe reaching the end of their teath with English football violence in the 80's. They sent us packing and rightly so - it forced us to face up to our responsibilities.


They sent English football teams packing, not English people.

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Please have the common courtesy not to quote and then take out of context what I have written. My contribution comes as a whole, and should be read and commented on as such.


I note you merely seek to make sarcastic and clever dick comments rather than address any off the issues I raise.


This is a sign you have lost the argument but do not know when to shut up. Try thinking, assimilating the information and then responding sensibly.


I've addressed your points comprehensively, politely and succinctly-so perhaps you could tell me how I've mis-represented you?

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Once again, Zamo speaks clearly and concisely and ,makes the point completely. He, and others, including me should not be considered haters of Muslims or anyone else, we merely ask the majority to take charge of their own community and isolate and remove those who would do the greater community harm.


So Zamo quotes an instance where English football, (but not English people) were banned from Europe and you believe it 'clearly and concisely' reflects your point about the majority of Muslims being compelled to take charge of their own communities?


I don't recall having any dialogue with the English football administration or football hooligans about their behaviour or anyone demanding that I should do so.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:09 ----------


Thank you sir, I do not seek to defeat or belittle anyone, I merely ask that our fellow citizens of the Muslim religion undertake their responsibilities for the good of the wider community.


Why don't you do your bit by embracing those who are trying to do so? ie the people in the flippin OP!


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:11 ----------


so youre our guardian angel and removing chavs, rapists, muggers, drug dealers / drug users, whores and granny muggers from our communitys then? :suspect:


thought not




I knew I'd seen him and Zamo somewhere else before




---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:11 ----------


Fans are people.


So are Muslims..doh!


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:13 ----------


Has anyone lost a rattle? I've found one.


well hillpig's spat his dummy out :hihi:

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So Zamo quotes an instance where English football, (but not English people) were banned from Europe and you believe it 'clearly and concisely' reflects your point about the majority of Muslims being compelled to take charge of their own communities?


I don't recall having any dialogue with the English football administration or football hooligans about their behaviour or anyone demanding that I should do so.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:09 ----------



Why don't you do your bit by embracing those who are trying to do so? ie the people in the flippin OP!


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:11 ----------



I knew I'd seen him and Zamo somewhere else before




---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:11 ----------



So are Muslims..doh!


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:13 ----------



well hillpig's spat his dummy out :hihi:

here they are in action



saving england from the ner do wells

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How can you have collective responsibility if you lack individual responsibility? or is this a chicken and egg question?


As individuals we grow and are influenced by our peers and parenting. I see no issues with Muslim communities as a collective as I see no issues collectively with the indigenous. Both have problems but those problems do not reflect the collective as a whole.


Amen brother :thumbsup:

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