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British muslims warned

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Oh I see. So 6 Muslims out of the million or so have spoken out about muslim attrocities and you feel this is a huge plus point worth mentioning. What about the 999,994 that didn't.


Sometimes sleeping dogs should lie, or skulk off to their kennels with their tails between their legs...or even follow their own advice


It just shows how you can get things wrong if you actually read the words rather than what you want to see.


The thread's principally about some (named) Muslims being placed under police protection for speaking out against extremism and a group of Somalian jihadists making (credible) threats on their lives.


I don't see where the OP has claimed their activities are a 'huge plus point worth mentioning', but if you want to see the other 999,994 stand up against the jihadists you need to support these individuals and show the extremists that our communities are united in condemning them. Do you think the 59 million non Muslims in this country could do that?


---------- Post added 19-10-2013 at 04:00 ----------


There seems less Muslims that have become targets than have gone to the training camps to become terrorists.


We're all random targets or do you think the bombs that went off on London Underground selectively picked out non Muslim victims?


Do you know how many Muslims have gone to training camps as a % of the total Muslim population?

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smoke and mirrors I think


I'm with you on that.


If there is an all powerful god who made the universe out of the fluff in HIS navel, and it is his will that one of his followers bumps off another of his followers... then isn't it rather offensive to Muslims if the authorities send an infidel or two to stand in his way?

Shouldn't he be parting the Red Sea or getting someone to build an ark?


---------- Post added 19-10-2013 at 09:45 ----------


Anyone who lived in New York or London.......aethiest, christian, muslim, jew, hindu etc.....it didn't matter... the killings were indiscriminate.


But weren't they the will of god?

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Do you know how many Muslims have gone to training camps as a % of the total Muslim population?


I've seen estimates of several thousand which is considerably more than have publically spoken out.




MI5 warned Scotland Yard that policemen in its ranks were suspected of attending terrorist training camps, it can be disclosed.




I just wonder what would happen if this officer had been assigned to protect them..

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How would the threat be carried out? Does the UK immigration system fail to stop Jihadi Somali trash attempting to enter the UK or are these kind of people already been given rights of residence in the UK?


You know how you always say that Americans living near the Mexican border need guns to protect themselves from Mexicans sneaking in? Well that can happen in any country (it's not always Mexicans sneaking in though).


Aside from that, with organised terrorist groups, they tend to have cells already within the countries they wish to target, be they home-grown or illegal immigrants.

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I've seen estimates of several thousand which is considerably more than have publically spoken out.



I haven't seen estimates of several thousand but having said that am in no better position to speculate than you are.


Estimates put the number of Muslims in the UK at nearly 3 million (http://www.brin.ac.uk/news/2010/how-many-muslims/), so let's say the number who've gone to training camps is 3000, that represents 0.1% of the total population.


MI5 warned Scotland Yard that policemen in its ranks were suspected of attending terrorist training camps, it can be disclosed.


I just wonder what would happen if this officer had been assigned to protect them..

In fairness, I'd like to see the evidence against him before forming an opinion. He hasn't been charged with anything or disciplined by his former police force.
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I haven't seen estimates of several thousand but having said that am in no better position to speculate than you are.


Estimates put the number of Muslims in the UK at nearly 3 million (http://www.brin.ac.uk/news/2010/how-many-muslims/), so let's say the number who've gone to training camps is 3000, that represents 0.1% of the total population.


In fairness, I'd like to see the evidence against him before forming an opinion. He hasn't been charged with anything or disciplined by his former police force.


MI5 estimates that there are over 200 separate Islamic terrorist groups in the UK with around 3000 individuals having received training. So where you or I might not be in a position to speculate I would imagine they are. This is an ongoing list, as new groups and jihadists are being recruited all the time.


4 bombers in London killed 52 people and injured another 770. So with around 3000 indoctrinated nutcases on the loose there is potential for rather a large loss of life and injury.


It really doesn't matter whether you want to believe that individual officer is a terrorist recruit. MI5 certainly believe the police force to have been infiltrated. But I don't imagine that some folk want to believe it until the sleepers actually assassinate someone.

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MI5 estimates that there are over 200 separate Islamic terrorist groups in the UK with around 3000 individuals having received training.
That doesn't surprise me, nor am I surprised that MI5 don't neglect potential terrorists on the far right




So where you or I might not be in a position to speculate I would imagine they are. This is an ongoing list, as new groups and jihadists are being recruited all the time.

Totally agree.

4 bombers in London killed 52 people and injured another 770. So with around 3000 indoctrinated nutcases on the loose there is potential for rather a large loss of life and injury.

Whilst we can't be complacent about this, 3000 represents a tiny proportion of the Muslim population, 0.1% as I said earlier, so it's rational to keep this in perspective and not demonise all Muslims which this forum is often inclined to do, it alienates people we should be drawing closer to, not pushing away.


It takes a high degree of organisation, stealth, money and commitment to become a successful terrorist, especially one of the suicide variety and it's highly unlikely all 3000 of those indoctrinated nutcases possess the required qualities to become terrorists.


It really doesn't matter whether you want to believe that individual officer is a terrorist recruit. MI5 certainly believe the police force to have been infiltrated. But I don't imagine that some folk want to believe it until the sleepers actually assassinate someone.


I'm merely expressing an opinion, just as you are here. I doubt very much that we would ever learn whether MI5 believed this officer were a real threat or not, and by the time they'd published his name their PR machinery would have been in full spin with the detail of the allegation..witchunts are easy things to believe and disseminate in matters of this nature, but I'll be happy to believe it long before sleepers actually assasinate someone, like at the point the intelligence is proved to be accurate and a defendant is detained or accusations laid at them which they're able to properly address, or not as the case may be.

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