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British muslims warned

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Personally I don't believe it's their responsibility anymore than anyone else's, but if they want to that's fine. It's setting people up to failure (and self righteous indignation when they do fail) if you demand they act on something which they're not responsible for.


It reminds me of the apologies some groups have demanded from governments because of the historic misdeeds of the people they represent. I'm sure you don't agree that the British government should apologise for colonialism or its part in the slave trade for example?


Surly their God would want them to do anything possible stop other people committing atrocities in his name.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:29 ----------


How do you reason that? How can we non-Muslims influence how Muslims practice their religion? How do we monitor what is preached in Muslim places of worship? How do we monitor the views and behaviour of Muslims who do not live amongst us? How are we going to correct, or report, the extremist view of our children when none of them are Muslims?


Clearly the only people that can do those things are Muslims.

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Surly their God would want them to do anything possible stop other people committing atrocities in his name.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:29 ----------



Clearly the only people that can do those things are Muslims.

god doesnt exist ;)

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If one tenth of the Muslims who rioted against The Satanic Verses had demonstrated against the Muslim atrocities it would have been ten times more than actually did.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 14:33 ----------


True not all terrorists are Muslims it's just that most terrorists are muslims


Muslims are usually out in force protesting about trivial matters like burning a book, but never seem to protest when someone blows something up or kills someone in their Gods name.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:35 ----------


By standing on a street corner at firvale with a placard condemning extremism?


The only problem with that is Muslims may approach and say.."I'm not an extremist and I haven't encountered extremism personally, and with respect I have a family to look after rather than stand around shouting my lungs out".


Seams they can get out and protest when their prophet is insulted, surly an insult can't be more important to them than someone being killed in their Gods name.

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...and I also don't recall seeing Muslim Imams doing either of the above.


They are usually the ones convincing other to do it.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:59 ----------


god doesnt exist ;)


It does to Muslims and they are happy to complain when someone burns Gods words, but they do very little when one of their own kills someone in Gods name. Odd that don't you think?


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 17:59 ----------


I guess you have a problem getting into a taxi too.


I've never been in a taxi.

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