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British muslims warned

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I didn't suggest he could be, It was your post,

And as I said I doubt he is a xenophobe. Now stop backtracking.


Hold on a minute do you understand the definition of liar. I never mentioned BF, you on the other hand did with the following.

I wouldn't go that far, I doubt that Boyfriday is a xenophobe, although I cold be wrong.


You personalised BF and xenophobia as one. You hid behind your own gutless words "I wouldn't go that far" and " I cold be wrong" to give you some semblance of devils advocate. Sorry sonny it just doesn't work. You are what you are, a syntax cheat.

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Hold on a minute do you understand the definition of liar. I never mentioned BF, you on the other hand did with the following.



You personalised BF and xenophobia as one. You hid behind your own gutless words "I wouldn't go that far" and " I cold be wrong" to give you some semblance of devils advocate. Sorry sonny it just doesn't work. You are what you are, a syntax cheat.


This is how it went.


In this post Hillpig is talking to Boyfriday.


This response is typical of you, anyone reading my post and your response objectively can see that you have no argument, you extract a sentence or a phrase out of context and then seek to belittle the post.


This is your style, you do it with other posters, you have nothing to bring to the debate, its just that you disagree philosophically with what they are posting and seek to diminish their content in this schneid way.




I said.


You've noticed that too.


In response you said.


Yeah..the xenophobes in all their differing disguises do it.


So it was you that implied Boyfriday was a xenophobe.


To which I disagreed.




I wouldn't go that far, I doubt that Boyfriday is a xenophobe, although I cold be wrong.
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Originally Posted by boyfriday View Post

Personally I don't believe it's their responsibility anymore than anyone else's, but if they want to that's fine. It's setting people up to failure (and self righteous indignation when they do fail) if you demand they act on something which they're not responsible for.


It reminds me of the apologies some groups have demanded from governments because of the historic misdeeds of the people they represent. I'm sure you don't agree that the British government should apologise for colonialism or its part in the slave trade for example?



Surly their God would want them to do anything possible stop other people committing atrocities in his name.


Their God is supposed to be the same god as the Christian God yet I've never heard of our local Vicar, Bishop etc telling one of my neighbours that if he blows up the Woolsley Road Mosque he'll become a martyr and give him a chit for 72 virgins.


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 18:15 ----------


This is a usual accusation by Progressive Liberals... you can't find anything racist in the post but still throw the racist accusation because I must be hiding my real thoughts......


Playing the 'Race Card' is their favourite game "Racist Snap", everyone's a winner as all 52 cards are racist.


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 18:28 ----------


Well said mel, disturbing story and hopefully the jihadists will never prevail.

Well they're not doing too bad a job are they.

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Playing the 'Race Card' is their favourite game "Racist Snap", everyone's a winner as all 52 cards are racist.



..and isn't it ironic that the poster you're responding to is the only person to have played the ubiquitous 'race card' on this thread.


Isn't it racist to treat people with brown skin different from anyone else. That's what you're doing by constantly making excuses. You won't accept any criticism of Muslims because they are predominantly brown. I don't see you lot jumping to the defence of Mormons or the nutty Christians in America.


There's no racist like a Liberal racist.


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 18:49 ----------


Well they're not doing too bad a job are they.


They're doing an exceedingly bad job, I can't think of one example where my day to day life has been affected by them

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No not really. I knew of the man who lived on the Wensley Estate at Grimesthorpe who reported some people for planning terrorism.. can't remember all the details though... he had to be moved as far as I can remember....


This is a usual accusation by Progressive Liberals... you can't find anything racist in the post but still throw the racist accusation because I must be hiding my real thoughts.....


I'm not a racist at all. You are mel but you can't see it. I'm not saying that you are evil and treat people badly because of their race, but you treat none whites with kid gloves, you don't treat them the same as the indigenous white population. So you treat one race less favourably than another, that's racist, by definition. I treat every body the same. So am not a racist.


where did i mention being racist? it wasnt in my post, it never entered my head, you sir are paranoid


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 18:52 ----------


Playing the 'Race Card' is their favourite game "Racist Snap", everyone's a winner as all 52 cards are racist

apart from the only person playing is mikeye Oo

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