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Help with gas and electricity (BG)

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Lets show these companies that the people have power, through the Internet the people of this country could close one of the big 6 down. Maybe the other 5 would think twice then about raising prices so high.


Looking forward to this happening and I'm sure it, eventually, will.


Even if not an energy company, then some company in another sector which will cause the energy companies to become a little more circumspect.


Could we all lay of SSE, though, because I have quite a lot of shares in them?

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I made the same choice. We won't be the only ones.It looked like a good deal even before BG raised their prices.


I'd like someone to tell me how FU can undercut the big six by about 10% when the big six claim profit margins of 5%.


I have a suspicion they are making an initial loss in order to gain market share, then the price of the standard tarrif will be higher so when the fix ends they hope like 90% of people, their new customers are slow in moving. So it'll be a bit like a fixed rate mortgage in that respect.

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