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George Osborne anti British rant.

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On this occasion, George is absolutely right. Far too many people in Britain are content to sit around and wait for other people to sort things out for them instead of getting off their backsides and making their own mark on the world.


George is spot on HH.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhineE8yaVg

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He wants us to be more like China? Communist?


Meanwhile, Jeremy Hunt wants us to move to multi-generational households to mimic a model that Asian countries are moving away from.


And Michael Gove trashes our education system in a speech in the US.


What a week for the Tories. They hate their own country. And they're telling the whole world.


---------- Post added 19-10-2013 at 19:50 ----------


Socialism is not the answer. That is just the ultimate form of people waiting around and waiting for others to do the work.


Osborne wants us to be more like China. Communist.

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Why would a rightwing thug of an MP want a communist state?


---------- Post added 19-10-2013 at 20:34 ----------


China is still Communist in some regard but they are progressing towards capitalism.


What are you talking about? Every country in the world is capitalist

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On this occasion, George is absolutely right. Far too many people in Britain are content to sit around and wait for other people to sort things out for them instead of getting off their backsides and making their own mark on the world.


Just like ex vice madam Natalie Rowe.


She wanted to make her mark on the world by publishing details of the wild parties involving sex and cocaine in the 1990s, which George Osborne was a regular attender, apparently.


Unfortunately the drug squad burst into her flat and questioned her about her forthcoming memoirs. Hmm something fishy there


Behaviour becoming of a communist state ;)



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@faisalislam on Twitter:


'fixing wholesale elec prices for foreign state-owned nukecos (2 Chinese/1 French) = red blood capitalism. Fix consumer prices = Das Kapital'


Basically, you do something to try and help UK consumers you're a commie. You do a deal with a commie government then you're a proper capitalist.


Osborne is a mess. Crazy priorities.

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Just let the firms charge what they want and let the price set to it's natural level. People won't buy it if it's too expensive, they will find alternative ways of heating their homes and running their gadgets.


Britain will be a great country again. It's just a matter of when. Get rid of all the socialists and other hangers on and we can surge forward to the front once more.

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Just let the firms charge what they want and let the price set to it's natural level. People won't buy it if it's too expensive, they will find alternative ways of heating their homes and running their gadgets.


Britain will be a great country again. It's just a matter of when. Get rid of all the socialists and other hangers on and we can surge forward to the front once more.


But Osborne is handing a deal to a socialist state to generate power at guaranteed prices that must be met for decades by the British people through their bills. Worse still it's locking us into nuclear power.

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