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George Osborne anti British rant.

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Just let the firms charge what they want and let the price set to it's natural level. People won't buy it if it's too expensive, they will find alternative ways of heating their homes and running their gadgets.


Ah yes the capitalist price discovery like housing, because the Tories wouldn't try and ramp up that bubble would they:hihi::rolleyes:


Britain will be a great country again. It's just a matter of when. Get rid of all the socialists and other hangers on and we can surge forward to the front once more.


....... and those evil socialists like those insolvent bankers with their tax payer funded bonuses for failure and the beneficiaries of CAP payments, and all those rich tax dodgers not paying their way, yeah I can see Osborne putting his capitalist foot down on all that.


Market forces my arse, the man's a charlatan.

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Not necessarily.


Let's just say that the major players in the industry somehow colluded with each other... :rolleyes:


Or maybe in future they'll have no choice but to charge high prices because a government locked us into a deal where the generating cost per megawatt hour is double the current wholesale price.

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Or maybe in future they'll have no choice but to charge high prices because a government locked us into a deal where the generating cost per megawatt hour is double the current wholesale price.


High energy prices aren't necessarily bad news. They do encourage careful energy consumption.


High energy prices and stagnating, or falling wages are definitely bad news.


This will be one of the Coalition's more disgraceful legacies.

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High energy prices aren't necessarily bad news. They do encourage careful energy consumption.


High energy prices and stagnating, or falling wages are definitely bad news.


This will be one of the Coalition's more disgraceful legacies.


The point I'm making is that energy prices are going to be difficult to get down if the government is cutting deals to pay for generation at prices well above the present (already very high) wholesale price. That doesn't look very free market to me.


I do agree about the point you made about falling wages and increasing living costs.

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The truth hurts doesn't it guys?


I'm literally sat here laughing at the thought of some on SF being "offended" by this.


You know, the ones who always think some unspecified "they" should do something. Or the "gubermint" should do something.


Actually do something for yourselves? Are you mad?



What was it Georgie said?




That's what he wants us to emulate, not sweatshops.


The entrepreneurial spirit, not the dependency culture than some on here just can't shake.


But on a forum where people are still blaming their woes on a prime minister who hasn't been in office for nearly a quarter of a century, what else would you expect?


Though if Osborne really wants to see this happen, he could start by removing much of the red tape surrounding small busniseess and simply the tax system.


That will no more happen than anything else I've described in this post.


100% spot on.

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Yes, they have shops where people sell goods for profit


And so capitalism is defined solely by the presence of shops that sell things for a profit rather than by a state near-monopoly of control of the economy.


Mecky - the only person on the planet who thinks North Korea is capitalist.

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