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Swiss company INEOS rips off UK,wages war against its UK employees

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The union have made themselves to look like complete idiots,they haveto remember this isn't the 70s anymore with jobs all over the placeand can't go on strike because the loo rolls the wrong colour.

Lets hope the jobs are saved because it isn't just their jobs its a future generations too.

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One solution that might be trumpeted is to reduce the fuel duty on just petrol significantly, to tilt the fuel market back in favour of petrol and hence tilt the market back in favour of the Grangemouth plant.


Afterall it was the government who tilted the market in favour of diesel in the first place - by making fuel so damn expensive that everyone sought to buy the most frugel cars possible.


I see where you are coming from but there is a snag. The cars that are reaching the end of the road are from the era when most bought petrol, so even redressing the balance on new sales will still result in more oil burners year on year for 5 or 6 years.

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That is true, but the latest push from the car industry is for smaller petrol engined cars.

Been seeing alot of small turbo engines being put into larger cars to give performance and economy.


Afterall there is not 'magic fix' to this problem, you either need to change the refinery which will take time and cost a fortune or you need to change the cars people drive (same problem).


Lets hope the jobs are saved because it isn't just their jobs its a future generations too.


Fingers crossed for the announcement later on.

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That is true, but the latest push from the car industry is for smaller petrol engined cars.

Been seeing alot of small turbo engines being put into larger cars to give performance and economy.


Afterall there is not 'magic fix' to this problem, you either need to change the refinery which will take time and cost a fortune or you need to change the cars people drive (same problem).




Fingers crossed for the announcement later on.


I wouldn't get my hopes up on this one. I think it more likely that INEOS will pull the plug on the refinery too.

INEOS didn't buy Grangemouth. It came as part of a package from BP. I suspect INEOS will be happy to see the back of the place and the Unite stance is just the break they needed.

I'm sure it would suit them just fine for Alex Salmond to put together a buy out for Scotland. Mind you what the Scotish public will think of that in the long run is a different matter.


Average wage in Scotland £24,000. Average wage at Grangemouth site £55,000.

Retirement age in Scotland 65. Retirement age at Grangemouth site 57.

Average pension in Scotland not very good. Pension at Grangemouth a nice final salary scheme.


So by the way fellas. How would you all like to chip in a hundred or so from your taxes so we can keep these guys in clover.

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Average wage in Scotland £24,000. Average wage at Grangemouth site £55,000.

Retirement age in Scotland 65. Retirement age at Grangemouth site 57.

Average pension in Scotland not very good. Pension at Grangemouth a nice final salary scheme.


Those figures have been banded around quite alot, but no-one on the news has explained them.


Are the people employed at Grangemouth all highly skilled engineers, or is it a very dangerous job?


Are they actually all very skilled people doing hard work, or just massively overpaid (Like the papers seem to claim)?

I'm sure it's not easy work.

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I see where you are coming from but there is a snag. The cars that are reaching the end of the road are from the era when most bought petrol, so even redressing the balance on new sales will still result in more oil burners year on year for 5 or 6 years.


I do think that we will swing back to Petrol, as more and more Hybrids come on line.


The governments BIK charges on company cars are really going to punish drivers of diesel vehicles (3% surcharge over petrol), and many (me included) are going to switch to hybrids, such as the Lexus CT200h, etc.

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The union have made themselves to look like complete idiots,they haveto remember this isn't the 70s anymore with jobs all over the placeand can't go on strike because the loo rolls the wrong colour.

Lets hope the jobs are saved because it isn't just their jobs its a future generations too.


Said that this morning Dobby, it would be fantastic if people's jobs are safe, but the union have capitulated & worked a "powder" on it's members. The Unite union should hang it's head in shame, one minute they won't budge & now it's we'll accept lower pensions, wage freeze & they've thrown in a no strike guarantee.


The members will be over the moon if jobs are saved, but personally i think it's the break INEOS were after & the union just gave it them on a plate; think this could really spell the death knell for unions.


Now management know anywhere if they get a strike, just sack the workforce & bring in new if needed, god help the working man & woman.

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Grangemouth saved.


Minimum redundancies.. A good outcome and massive embarrassment for the union leaders.


Good News for the workers :)


The Grangemouth petrochemical plant near Falkirk is to stay open after a new deal was struck with workers.


Workers were told in a mass meeting at 11:00 that the decision to close the site would be reversed.


Operator Ineos announced on Wednesday that the site was to shut, with the loss of 800 jobs, after unions and workers rejected a survival plan.


But on Friday, Ineos said it would reopen the plant and the neighbouring oil refinery with immediate effect.


The company said the move had followed a "dramatic U-turn" by the union Unite and its "belated recognition" that the company's survival plan was the only way to ensure Grangemouth's long-term survival.


It added that Unite had agreed to taking no strike action for three years, moving to a "modern" pension scheme and a three-year pay freeze.


Looks like UNITE took a kicking in the negotiations, INEOS broke the back of UNITE thats for sure.

Rightfully so, the arrogant sods.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 11:34 ----------


Now management know anywhere if they get a strike, just sack the workforce & bring in new if needed, god help the working man & woman.


We have plenty of laws protecting the worker now so it's really not that bad.

The Unions were instrumental in getting them put in place making our country a very safe place for people to work.


However the Unions had delusions of grandeur, and now seem more interested in playing politics than looking after the interests of people.


Hopefully people will walk away form these self-interested, corrupt morons and look for something better.

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Good News for the workers :)




Looks like UNITE took a kicking in the negotiations, INEOS broke the back of UNITE thats for sure.

Rightfully so, the arrogant sods.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 11:34 ----------



We have plenty of laws protecting the worker now so it's really not that bad.

The Unions were instrumental in getting them put in place making our country a very safe place for people to work.


However the Unions had delusions of grandeur, and now seem more interested in playing politics than looking after the interests of people.


Hopefully people will walk away form these self-interested, corrupt morons and look for something better.


I suspect there were 2 long queues this morning. One of people wanting to buy INEOS shares and the other folk wanting to hand back Unite union cards.


---------- Post added 25-10-2013 at 12:43 ----------


So what does the future hold for Stevie Deans?

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