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Swiss company INEOS rips off UK,wages war against its UK employees

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The working man has had to fight every step of the way to improve his pay and conditions. Nobody has ever given him anything. Unions were formed because there was a need to organise in order to fight.


I cannot believe that any working man in England would be glad that the Unions have lost in this case. It has provided a blueprint for any other avaricious, greedy employer who wants to treat his workforce - the men who make him his profits- with utter contempt.


Just watch how this unfolds. Thatcher defeated the miners in the eighties, and was then able to take a hatchet to manufacturing jobs in the north of England. Once again the Unions have been defeated, now nobody is safe. Watch how your pay and conditions diminish as you race to the bottom.....



This was not about the working man. The dispute started over the fact that the company found they were paying the union convenor a lot of money to refine oil only to find that he was away working for the Labour Party on the company's time.

It is one thing for a union to fight for workers rights. It is completely different when the man in charge of the union uses the membership as a weapon to fight his personal battles.


The strike was called by Stevie Deans for the benefit of Stevie Deans.

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A quick bump on that subject:


The Unite union official at the centre of the Grangemouth industrial dispute has resigned from his job at the facility.


Stephen Deans had been suspended by operator Ineos over claims he used company time for union business.


Ineos had been expected to reveal the outcome of a disciplinary case against him on Tuesday.


A statement released by Ineos confirmed Mr Deans had resigned from the company with immediate effect.


It said: "The company has conducted a thorough investigation into Mr Deans' activities over the last 18 months and made Mr Deans aware of these findings last week.


"Mr Deans requested an additional five days prior to the final disciplinary hearing to allow him time to provide any further relevant information.


"The company was due to meet with Mr Deans again tomorrow but has now received his resignation."


Seems like he jumped before he was pushed?

How he got away with it for 18 months tho.....



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A quick bump on that subject:






Seems like he jumped before he was pushed?

How he got away with it for 18 months tho.....




It seems that without the ability to put his memberships livelyhoods at risk to save his own he realised he was on a hiding to nothing. I assume he is now totally unemployable and will probably wind up on the payroll of the Labour Party.

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If ever a thread went spectacularly wrong this is it.:hihi::hihi::hihi:


On the contrary,it went spectacularly right,how this company has operated over the years,its leeching off the taxpayer,its tax avoidance after the successful leeching off the taxpayers,the breaking of bank covenants,its 'gun to the head ' way of working against governments and other companies after it has madeits own mistakes, and its employees.........it's all in the thread,read it and make your own mind up.........I have,and I am satisfied with that,anybody who thinks different,that's up to them.........couldn't care less.

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Just watch how this unfolds. Thatcher defeated the miners in the eighties, and was then able to take a hatchet to manufacturing jobs in the north of England. Once again the Unions have been defeated, now nobody is safe. Watch how your pay and conditions diminish as you race to the bottom.....

How was Thatcher able to take a hatchet to manufacturing jobs in the north of England?

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On the contrary,it went spectacularly right,how this company has operated over the years,its leeching off the taxpayer,its tax avoidance after the successful leeching off the taxpayers,the breaking of bank covenants,its 'gun to the head ' way of working against governments and other companies after it has madeits own mistakes, and its employees.........it's all in the thread,read it and make your own mind up.........I have,and I am satisfied with that,anybody who thinks different,that's up to them.........couldn't care less.


I read all the sensible posts as well as your rants. My conclusion and most other's conclusion seems to be.


1. The guy leading the union was a total cretin. He tried to use the power of the union to cover his wrong doing. AND FAILED.

2. The company pays wages double the Scottish average and behaved properly throughout.

3. The union by its own actions made themselves look stupid and have damaged the union movement in general

4. The company pays every tax it is required to pay particularly as the UK part of its operation is losing money.

5. You either don't know what you are talking about or have a political agenda but not the aptitude to carry it out.

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I read all the sensible posts as well as your rants. My conclusion and most other's conclusion seems to be.


1. The guy leading the union was a total cretin. He tried to use the power of the union to cover his wrong doing. AND FAILED.

2. The company pays wages double the Scottish average and behaved properly throughout.

3. The union by its own actions made themselves look stupid and have damaged the union movement in general

4. The company pays every tax it is required to pay particularly as the UK part of its operation is losing money.

5. You either don't know what you are talking about or have a political agenda but not the aptitude to carry it out.




Like I said,you make your mind up, like everybody else..............I made my mind up and I am perfectly happy with what I think about INEOS,and what I wrote about INEOS, and the way they operate.If it differs from your opinion,or anyone elses opinion,I couldn't care less.

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Like I said,you make your mind up, like everybody else..............I made my mind up and I am perfectly happy with what I think about INEOS,and what I wrote about INEOS, and the way they operate.If it differs from your opinion,or anyone elses opinion,I couldn't care less.


You had made up your mind long before you started this thread. As the information came to light most sensible people came to realise that Stevie Deans was the problem here. Just look back over the last 50 posts on this thread.


You couldn't care less!!!:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


That is hilarious. You have ranted yourself into a big hole and haven't even now got the sense to stop digging.

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