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Swiss company INEOS rips off UK,wages war against its UK employees

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The good thing here is that the all consuming greed of the Unions is being laid bare.


They don't represent their members interests anymore and haven't for a long time.


All they are interested in is making sure that their members stay members, so that THEY can stay on their inflated wages. And to do this they will twist the informations that they relay to their members.


The unions are an utter disgrace and an insult to the old unions that our fathers and grandfathers represented.

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You've not explained anything. All you've done is froth incoherently and demostrated that you've no idea about what the plant does, how it works, or how to addup up without taking your socks off I'm afraid.


Get a grip and start debating rationally - then we can all stop lauighing at you and provide some meaningful discussion instead.


Getting personal about somebody elses point of view,just because it doesn't happen to agree with yours,doesn't do you any favours.

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Getting personal about somebody elses point of view,just because it doesn't happen to agree with yours,doesn't do you any favours.


I don't think I noticed anyone denying you right to your point of view. Most folk seemed to be pointing out that you had no idea what you were talking about.

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INEOS.......the wolf that keeps on crying,Runcorn 2003,recognise the familiar story,the demands the threats against its workforce..........the government of the day gives in and awards INEOS 50m of taxpayers money,because INEOS didn't do its job properly,its due diligence when buying the plant..........so somebody else has to pay for INEOS mistake.

But despite the 50m UK taxpayers giveaway to it,INEOS still thought fit to re locate to Switzerland to save itself paying its fair share,allegedly has not paid tax in the UK since 2008,got tax relief on its huge debts,and plans to ask for more UK taxpayers money to invest in its failing business............it's all take,take take for them,and threaten if they don't get what they want,even when they are at fault for the money that it is costing them






The Government yesterday bowed to pressure from chlorine maker Ineos Chlor, awarding the business £50m to modernise its Runcorn manufacturing plant in a bid to safeguard jobs in the area.



Ineos Capital, a private equity firm which acquired the chlorine business from ICI over two years ago and is Chlor's parent company, had threatened to close the plant if money was not forthcoming.

The company has not paid a penny in cash to acquire the chlorine plant. Instead it gave ICI a loan note for £50m in exchange for 85pc of the company - a debt that ICI has since written down.

This indicates that the chemical company, which still owns 15pc of the Runcorn plant, does not anticipate repayment. ICI has also written down the £100m that it had agreed to lend the company to help it run Chlor, even though Ineos has not yet drawn down all of that loan.

He said that the company had not realised when doing due diligence at the site that it would need to replace the old cellrooms in the plant, which use mercury, with new cellrooms using membrane technology. "We came to the conclusion fairly quickly that the Runcorn plant was going to struggle to be long-term competitive," he said.



Ineos has threatened to sue ICI for selling them the business in a worse condition than it had expected. Yesterday, it dropped the suit after the chemical giant agreed to pay £60m towards refurbishing the Runcorn plant - £15m more than Ineos Capital will have to put towards the planned refurbishment.

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That story is ten years old, hardly relevant.


LOL.......yeah right,if you can't see a pattern emerging on how this company treats its workers,operates its tax affairs,lobbies for taxpayers money while having no scruples about avoiding tax in the UK and making mistakes that are entirely of its own making and expecting someone else to pick up the tab...naive is the word I think.

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