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Man told to tone down Halloween Display

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I can see how the model in the picture could give a child nightmares, I think he should tone it down slightly, but not totally.

I passed a house today on Halifax Road which has had the front garden turned into a Halloween 'graveyard'. Nowhere near as gory as the one in the article, just some plastic headstones and skeleton hands which appear to be emerging from the ground.


What's the point? Sounds totally naff.


What is this modern drive to cover houses with tasteless tat at certain times of year? Desperate bid for attention, or what?


The Americans have a lot to answer for with all this Halloween b*l*oks

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The police have more important matters to deal with surely? If parents are concerned they could pop a note through his letterbox.


That's the thing though isn't it, it's the parents and not the kids that are concerned. Personally my 5 (5-16yrs) are too busy beating the crap out of innocents on GTA V to be worried about poxy Halloween decorations.

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do these effigies have their chest burst open with their internal organs hanging out?


If they were to be realistic effigies of Guy Fawkes then maybe they should be like this. This is what Guy Fawkes was condemned to, along with his fell conspirators -


"The Attorney General Sir Edward Coke told the court that each of the condemned would be drawn backwards to his death, by a horse, his head near the ground. They were to be "put to death halfway between heaven and earth as unworthy of both". Their genitals would be cut off and burnt before their eyes, and their bowels and hearts removed. They would then be decapitated, and the dismembered parts of their bodies displayed so that they might become "prey for the fowls of the air" "



Guy Fawkes avoided being alive for the agony of the latter part of his sentence by jumping off the scaffold to break his neck.

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If they were to be realistic effigies of Guy Fawkes then maybe they should be like this. This is what Guy Fawkes was condemned to, along with his fell conspirators -


"The Attorney General Sir Edward Coke told the court that each of the condemned would be drawn backwards to his death, by a horse, his head near the ground. They were to be "put to death halfway between heaven and earth as unworthy of both". Their genitals would be cut off and burnt before their eyes, and their bowels and hearts removed. They would then be decapitated, and the dismembered parts of their bodies displayed so that they might become "prey for the fowls of the air" "



Guy Fawkes avoided being alive for the agony of the latter part of his sentence by jumping off the scaffold to break his neck.


That may be the case but Scabbydog is implying that the burning of Guy Fawkes is no different to this mans Halloween display. The two can't be more different.

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I should suggest that to my 8 year old, she'd love it.


Then something has gone worryingly wrong with her emotional development, I'd say. Unless of course she would 'love it' because she is interested in surgery as a career and is fascinated by the physiology of the chest cavity. But most 8 year olds aren't. Some are indeed fascinated by the gruesome and mawkish, (violent death, blood, entrails, etc)., but I don't think you should encourage it.

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Then something has gone worryingly wrong with her emotional development, I'd say. Unless of course she would 'love it' because she is interested in surgery as a career and is fascinated by the physiology of the chest cavity. But most 8 year olds aren't. Some are indeed fascinated by the gruesome and mawkish, (violent death, blood, entrails, etc)., but I don't think you should encourage it.


Luckily I don't worry about what you'd say. I've no worries about my daughter's emotional development. She's no undue fascination, but neither would I wrap her in cotton wool as some would (such as the person referred to in the OP). The gruesomeness of halloween etc are of no concern, as she understands them for what they are. She understands that a gruesome model is just that - a model. Where a real person is really suffering, then that is a different matter. We have discussed the difference. In that sense, the goryness of such as Horrible Histories is quite useful as an intro into understaneing that they were real events happening to real people.

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