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Do temp jobs ruin chances of long term employment?

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So youve been finished at your last job, and you think sod it ill go down the easier route of getting a job. So you sign up with a load of agencies, manage to get a temp job.


Now of course said job lasts 5 mins a few weeks or months later you get another temp job, and so the cycle repeats.


What does this do to your chances of finding sustainable work? Since it now looks like you cant keep a job for 5 mins (well from a quick look at your CV anyway)


Im sure many people out there have managed to screw themselves over this way and now only realisticly stand a chance off getting temp jobs only from now on.


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Signing on at a temping agency means just that, being a Temp. However, you can get long term, short term or indefinite work if you are lucky. It's better than going on the dole where they will make you go on endless useless courses, then make you work for your dole & housing benefit. This way you get a job, earn money and are free from the beauracy of the job centre, whose only aim appears to be to make life as difficult as possible for you.

As for your CV, just put down the name of the agency you temp for and a description of the type of work you've done since you've been a temp. Better than having gaps on your CV, which would be the case if you were out of work.

Also, let the agency know you are looking for full-time work at the same time. You can sign on at several agencies to increase your chances of both temporary work and a permanent job.

Good luck.

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