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Why are there flies in my attic?

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We have some dead birds in the walls. They used to nest in the attic and a few chicks have fallen down the cavity. We hear them in distress for a day or two before they die. Impossible to get to them. Terrible to listen to. We had to block up some of the gaps at the top of the wall eventually to stop them falling in.


Why do you let the birds into the attic?I would remove the old nests as they harbour mites, fleas and bird droppings.

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Why do you let the birds into the attic?I would remove the old nests as they harbour mites, fleas and bird droppings.


Some people do. We've had sparrows up there for years. I have taken some old nests out in the past though - ones that rotted after a roof leak.

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hope you get it sorted. i had a similar problem about six weeks ago - no smell, just suddenly a lot more flies that usual. not a nice problem to have. i never found anything dead (and believe me i looked!) but i did find some fly egg pupae in my carpet. rang enviromental health and apparently they can come in and lay their eggs there. have you noticed any pupae type things on the floor? i did a deep clean of the carpet and problem solved. there weren't millions but it really wasn't nice :gag:

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