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1902 tram ride movie though Sheffield


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I've watched the footage about half a dozen times, it never palls. I think this was shot on a special tram, see the official with the heavy moustache toward the end, he looks really on the organising ball. Lots of the locations are recognisable, even from when I was last in Sheffield, but I missed the church a couple of times which used to be on the Peace Gardens. What was 'Vinum'....
Yes - the important-looking, moustachioed gent definitely looks as if he's involved with the filming, and this might also explain why this scene is out of sequence. G.W. Waugh Ltd of Douglas Road made mineral waters that they sold under the 'Vinum' brand name.
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I've watched it again, trying to identify what's being carried in the carts. There's a brewery wagon with a load of barrels early on, and something I identify as animal hides on another cart. I tried to see how much rubbish was in the gutters and there is surprisingly very little. I counted three white objects which I took to be paper and a small amount of horse****. When I was a kid I remember those horse and cart street sweepers. Big heavy carts they were with an open back end, two guys pitching rubbish in the back, big brush and a shovel. Very clean and efficient. There's a few puddles so it must've been raining.

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The geography is a bit cut up, but some places are still recognisable. Other places I haven't got a clue, see how many you can recognise :)




Fantastic footage ... thanx for share :)


BTW that bloke at 1' 52" (far left of screen, near lamp post) looks like he's answering his mobile! :hihi:

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Those are brilliant, thanks for posting them :thumbsup:
Hi - glad you found them interesting! I wanted to do some more, but there aren't many more locations in the film that correspond with Google Earth views. But next time I'm in Sheffield I might take some photos...


Much of the 1902 footage is of the Moor (i.e. South Street, as it was in 1902), and now of course it is completely different. But looking at the readable shop names on the left, and comparing these with contemporary directories and an old map, I think the following street corners are passed:


1:16 - Thomas Street

1:24 - Fitzwilliam Street

1:29 - Prince Street.


The block between Prince St. and Eldon St. was taken up by John Atkinson's drapers - note the row of identical lamps outside the shop. The sign JOHN ATKINSONS can be read at 1:34, on the corner of Eldon Street. The South Street "Methodist New Connexion Chapel" (here's a link to a picturesheffield.com photo) was on the other corner of Eldon Street which accounts for the "empty" space, though its railings and signboard can just be seen at about 1:38 to 1:41..


1:46 - Rockingham Street

2.18 - Carver Street?


Of the shop names apart from Atkinson’s, Eastman’s butchers (No 166 South Street) can be seen at 1:02, Hampshire’s chemists at 1.16 (Frank Reginald Hampshire - note the advert. for F.R.H. LINEN GLOSS SOAP) and H.G. Williams cash chemists at 1:24 (118 South Street, corner of Fitzwilliam Street). John Langdon & Son (1:11) can’t have been there very long - in 1900 they were in Barker’s Pool and they don’t feature in the 1905 directory. On the right-hand side, after about 1:30 an advert. for Moorwood’s ironfounders can be seen in the top right corner. Their offices were above E. Wild’s butchers shop at 45 South Street.

Edited by hillsbro
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