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Kids Spoilt by Technology

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I was born in 1980 and did grow up with the birth of home technology, meaning an array of home technology devices.



I remember going from old black and white TVs to colour; from Atari games console to ZX81/Spectrum 48k/128k & Amstrad CPC 464; from Commodore VIC20 to C64 and later the Amiga. Had loads of other computers and consoles in between too. I think our generation have been privileged, or spoilt, because we've seen most of the good tech from it roots: when it was all amazing and fresh. Nowadays, tech seems to have lost its sparkle; it always seems to be just another phone, TV or console. Even games on today's consoles, advanced as they are, seem to have lost something that the old 8 & 16 bit games had.


If there was a lot less tech around today, I think kids would cope quite well. But it would probably do their heads in as much as ours if we all had to go back to snail mail, etc.


---------- Post added 21-10-2013 at 22:25 ----------


...Why have people become so stupid, impressionable, gullible and down right willing to be told what to do, think, speak, watch, like, go?


It really is like the death throes of humanity; senseless and stupid.


There has probably never been a time when people weren't any of the above.

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I'm 20 years older than the OP. i-Tunes was known as Dial-A-Disc back then :D


And there was also a story at bedtime. Johhny Morris used to do those I think.



and exam grades improve every year


Well that's clearly the litmus test of the efficiency of modern education, innit?


England's young adults trail world in literacy and maths [bBC News, 9 October 2013]


Young worse at maths and English than grandparents and behind 'almost every other nation'


Clearly exams can't just be getting easier to pass, that would be foolish.


Exam board told to dumb down science GCSE to make it easier to pass


So what must be happening is that all these burgeoning Joe 90 and Wesley Crusher types must be finishing their final exam, absolutely bursting with knowledge and then someone (as yet unidentified) must be lying in wait afterwards and bashing them on the head, causing concussion and general loss of intelligence.


Yeah, now that's an explanation we can all get behind. :rolleyes:

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