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Dying of Depression

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I've felt like that many a time Bedrock. When I do and the last time I did. I do a post onto a word document. Vent via that and then delete it once it's out of my system.


That reminds me of something I heard or read recently: that for someone who regularly has bouts of depression, what they should do when they feel happy and positive is write a letter explaining what they like about themselves, and what they've got to look forward to. Then keep the letter and read it when they feel depressed; because when depressed, often people can't imagine themselves being happy.


Hope you have got some good support Bedrock, we on t'internet are not really enough. As has been suggested, do see your GP again and maybe ask him to refer you for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). This is a really practical way of dealing with negative thoughts before they take hold. Get well soon!


If CBT is something that works for people then there's this:

Moodgym - https://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome


Or there's a 'books on prescription' scheme


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A strict regimented and disciplined routine of early to bed, early to rise, stick on some music and exercise should have you right as rain in no time. Without a daily routine a person can quickly lose their self confidence and purpose.


If only it were that simple

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A strict regimented and disciplined routine of early to bed, early to rise, stick on some music and exercise should have you right as rain in no time. Without a daily routine a person can quickly lose their self confidence and purpose.


You clearly have no idea what clinical depression is like. It's not the same thing as feeling a bit down (which I agree your regime would help) and the 'pull yourself together' school of depression treatment is one of the things that deters those who struggle with depression from seeking help.

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I think as you get older, it gets harder to brush off things and they become engrained in your nature.


But also as you get older, you become more mellow and less seems to bother you on a daily basis.


I am there for anyone on here who also needs support, we all need each other in times of need, no matter how embarrassing things may be.

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A strict regimented and disciplined routine of early to bed, early to rise, stick on some music and exercise should have you right as rain in no time. Without a daily routine a person can quickly lose their self confidence and purpose.


If only it was that simple. :(

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