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Gunmen kill 3 including 8 year old girl at Egyptian church.

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You do have a point although I can't help thinking that non of these states seems better off for having their evil despotic dictator removed. Perhaps you have to be an evil despotic dictator in order to run a country dominated by Islam.



Maybe threads should be graded.


1. Political and social debate only.


2. Who can think of the worse word to describe fundamentalists.



"Savages, evil despotic dictator" Surely SF can do better than this?

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Who can think of the worse word to describe fundamentalists.



"Savages, evil despotic dictator" Surely SF can do better than this?


Actually I wasn't describing fundamentalists. I was describing those fighting against them. Perhaps you missed that.


Surely SF can do better than that.

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Some may consider that a highly provocative statement and also quite a bigoted thing to say.


On the other hand, some may consider it an accurate appraisal of the facts. Are we not allowed to mention the I word in connection with attrocities?

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On the other hand, some may consider it an accurate appraisal of the facts. Are we not allowed to mention the I word in connection with attrocities?


That really depends on if by saying 'Common denominator', what is actually meant is 'Cause'

People are the cause. Not islam, is what a fair number of people would say.

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Some may consider that a highly provocative statement and also quite a bigoted thing to say.


Some may, it is none the less accurate. Are we to remain silent when such atrocities take place? Is the preservation of sensibility an excuse to stand idly by and not comment on the vileness of these actions?


If the prophet stated the direct word of god and it has resulted in this type of activity should not the true believer question the validity of the message and consider that it was not god that delivered the message but the devil?

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Actually I wasn't describing fundamentalists. I was describing those fighting against them. Perhaps you missed that.


Surely SF can do better than that.


Which invariably are evil despotic's or savages?...the terminology is inescapable if the terminology is the limit of debating skills.


Even a moron understands that those that kill because of a faith are savages or evil. Usually a moron never gets past the terminology, being as that is it's probably the limit. If I want to bathe in DM cliché's I'll wait for a link. I'm sure those that negotiated peace terms with IRA savages, never used the term on introduction.


The fact is IMO these killings cannot be justified. In an attempt to understand why any justification was put forward my initial stance would be, never tell a moron he/she is a moron as you're not very likely to get a cohesive explanation as to their action. More likely you'll get yer head cut off or a bomb stuck under your car.


So, let's better the terms "savages" or "evil despots" in an attempt to ride roughshod over the thread, or actually ask the question. Why does (in this case) a person kill 3 people inc a child? Any ideas?

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That really depends on if by saying 'Common denominator', what is actually meant is 'Cause'

People are the cause. Not islam, is what a fair number of people would say.


I understand your point, I dispute it however, the "cause" is the predisposition of mankind to attack each other. Islam like all religions gives this predisposition an excuse, a platform to work from, a form, a life.


Happily, in the west we have become increasingly atheist and secular. Until the developing world adopts our attitude and realizes the complete and utter nonsense being spouted from the Koran the Bible and other "Holy" books and realizes that these belief systems have been designed by the elites to keep the proles under control we are destined to see much more cruelty and vileness as witnessed in Syria and elsewhere.

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I understand your point, I dispute it however, the "cause" is the predisposition of mankind to attack each other. Islam like all religions gives this predisposition an excuse, a platform to work from, a form, a life.


Happily, in the west we have become increasingly atheist and secular. Until the developing world adopts our attitude and realizes the complete and utter nonsense being spouted from the Koran the Bible and other "Holy" books and realizes that these belief systems have been designed by the elites to keep the proles under control we are destined to see much more cruelty and vileness as witnessed in Syria and elsewhere.


I have no problem with that summing up.

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