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Saving the world from terrorism?

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Want to know what the news organisations will be pushing in the next few year. Terrorism of course, but as the new oportunities open up, Uncle Sam is there to save us all.


Don’t’ ya just love the USA and its main economic driving force creating conflict and war?


They are starting to spend their billions in the many US military sites across Africa, such as Manda Bay, Kenya; Entebbe, Uganda; and the West African nation of Burkina Faso.


All this progress in Africa makes existing bases requiring upgrading so additional power plant improvements suggest its permanent. One has to cater for US tastes so , living quarters, gyms and other facilities are needed. Not for the Africans of course, there are other plans for people in poverty, like working to support the corporate war machine in major military, I mean security facilities.


The African need military training, well the wars have got to start somewhere, and Africa has resources, that need plundering. I mean protecting from those terrible Chinese for a start who have the effrontery to offer infrastructure, roads rail airports and that sort of thing with hospitals, schools and such, thus improving the lives of poor people in general. This sort of communist atrocity needs seeing to, as is a threat to certain interests.


Thus it is fortunate that the US is training regional militaries in the continent, the poor are good for aiming a gun and pulling a trigger it seems, which is all happening while the US increases air strikes and conducting drone surveillance. So at least they are learning about how democracy works. The New York Times reports that thousands of US soldiers are now gearing up for missions in Africa as part of a new Pentagon strategy to train and advise indigenous forces. So profit in war becomes a reality like never before in Africa. We are truly blessed by being led by corporate profiteers, or is that pirates. Nevertheless with US drone outposts in countries like Niger, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, strategically placed on the Gulf of Aden one can start to keep an eye both on the natives, and those communists as well. A win - win situation, where terrorism has to be taken to new heights, fueled of course by the gods of profit..

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The USA aid is all about selling weapons, as in Egypt for instance, sod the local population. Mind you they could not give a dam about their own poverty in the USA, where millions are now out of work, the infrastructure is crumbling, and the country is slowly plodding into being a corporate dictatorship, as corporations now run most things, and if you cannot pay the price, well sod off and die. Poverty is the new US mobility. America helped in WW2 and we just paid them off a few years ago for their overpriced but beggars cannot be choosers overpriced help.




The USA reacts to war? When was that, Iraq, overseeing the destruction of Libya and Syria, where weapons flood the area and the Libyan influx has destabilised the region as there are now many hundreds of tons of them.


The USA does not just fight terrorism, it gives them weapons, and creates wars as in Libya and Syria where they support the terrorists, who learned their trade killing UK and USA troops in Afghanistan. The USA helps the heroin trade in Afghanistan as without their help the Taliban were on the verge or eradicating it. It created wars in South America, or did the Contra guns for drugs escape your wealth of knowledge, never mind the mass murders there, also in Iraq, and don't they love using depleted uranium where in all countries where used the rise of the deformed is a wonder to behold, not forgetting Vietnam, where a good job was done there and the deformities still keep coming.


The USA is now under the thumb of corporate interests, and profit is the only motive, and with Afghanistan and Iraq finishing, there need more wars for more profit. One cannot just turn weapons into ploughs, where is the profit in that?


Get real and get off the tabloids, you know they lie, however nice they seem.



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The USA aid is all about selling weapons, as in Egypt for instance, sod the local population. Mind you they could not give a dam about their own poverty in the USA, where millions are now out of work, the infrastructure is crumbling, and the country is slowly plodding into being a corporate dictatorship, as corporations now run most things, and if you cannot pay the price, well sod off and die. Poverty is the new US mobility. America helped in WW2 and we just paid them off a few years ago for their overpriced but beggars cannot be choosers overpriced help.




The USA reacts to war? When was that, Iraq, overseeing the destruction of Libya and Syria, where weapons flood the area and the Libyan influx has destabilised the region as there are now many hundreds of tons of them.


The USA does not just fight terrorism, it gives them weapons, and creates wars as in Libya and Syria where they support the terrorists, who learned their trade killing UK and USA troops in Afghanistan. The USA helps the heroin trade in Afghanistan as without their help the Taliban were on the verge or eradicating it. It created wars in South America, or did the Contra guns for drugs escape your wealth of knowledge, never mind the mass murders there, also in Iraq, and don't they love using depleted uranium where in all countries where used the rise of the deformed is a wonder to behold, not forgetting Vietnam, where a good job was done there and the deformities still keep coming.


The USA is now under the thumb of corporate interests, and profit is the only motive, and with Afghanistan and Iraq finishing, there need more wars for more profit. One cannot just turn weapons into ploughs, where is the profit in that?


Get real and get off the tabloids, you know they lie, however nice they seem.




I don't know who sold what weapons (I'm sure you do) but if the Americans or Britain didn't sell them do you think think these regimes would go without? No they would not. All the world powers sell weapons to who every fits their ideology, suits the foreign policy or pays the most. To think otherwise is foolish.

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Want to know what the news organisations will be pushing in the next few year. Terrorism of course, but as the new oportunities open up, Uncle Sam is there to save us all.


Don’t’ ya just love the USA and its main economic driving force creating conflict and war?


They are starting to spend their billions in the many US military sites across Africa, such as Manda Bay, Kenya; Entebbe, Uganda; and the West African nation of Burkina Faso.


All this progress in Africa makes existing bases requiring upgrading so additional power plant improvements suggest its permanent. One has to cater for US tastes so , living quarters, gyms and other facilities are needed. Not for the Africans of course, there are other plans for people in poverty, like working to support the corporate war machine in major military, I mean security facilities.


The African need military training, well the wars have got to start somewhere, and Africa has resources, that need plundering. I mean protecting from those terrible Chinese for a start who have the effrontery to offer infrastructure, roads rail airports and that sort of thing with hospitals, schools and such, thus improving the lives of poor people in general. This sort of communist atrocity needs seeing to, as is a threat to certain interests.


Thus it is fortunate that the US is training regional militaries in the continent, the poor are good for aiming a gun and pulling a trigger it seems, which is all happening while the US increases air strikes and conducting drone surveillance. So at least they are learning about how democracy works. The New York Times reports that thousands of US soldiers are now gearing up for missions in Africa as part of a new Pentagon strategy to train and advise indigenous forces. So profit in war becomes a reality like never before in Africa. We are truly blessed by being led by corporate profiteers, or is that pirates. Nevertheless with US drone outposts in countries like Niger, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, strategically placed on the Gulf of Aden one can start to keep an eye both on the natives, and those communists as well. A win - win situation, where terrorism has to be taken to new heights, fueled of course by the gods of profit..



Wha's a WOPRLD and why does it need saving? :huh::loopy:

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The USA aid is all about selling weapons, as in Egypt for instance, sod the local population. Mind you they could not give a dam about their own poverty in the USA, where millions are now out of work, the infrastructure is crumbling, and the country is slowly plodding into being a corporate dictatorship, as corporations now run most things, and if you cannot pay the price, well sod off and die. Poverty is the new US mobility. America helped in WW2 and we just paid them off a few years ago for their overpriced but beggars cannot be choosers overpriced help.




The USA reacts to war? When was that, Iraq, overseeing the destruction of Libya and Syria, where weapons flood the area and the Libyan influx has destabilised the region as there are now many hundreds of tons of them.


The USA does not just fight terrorism, it gives them weapons, and creates wars as in Libya and Syria where they support the terrorists, who learned their trade killing UK and USA troops in Afghanistan. The USA helps the heroin trade in Afghanistan as without their help the Taliban were on the verge or eradicating it. It created wars in South America, or did the Contra guns for drugs escape your wealth of knowledge, never mind the mass murders there, also in Iraq, and don't they love using depleted uranium where in all countries where used the rise of the deformed is a wonder to behold, not forgetting Vietnam, where a good job was done there and the deformities still keep coming.


The USA is now under the thumb of corporate interests, and profit is the only motive, and with Afghanistan and Iraq finishing, there need more wars for more profit. One cannot just turn weapons into ploughs, where is the profit in that?


Get real and get off the tabloids, you know they lie, however nice they seem.




I think you'll find that Russia and China sell most arms throughout the middle east

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